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Opt-Out FAQs


When Does the Opt-Out Option Appear in SMS/Email?


Email Messaging

  • Emails will include the Opt-Out clause only when they are automated -- either as a Blast or as an Automatic Campaign
  • One-off emails such as direct messages from the Message Center, or Follow-Ups will **_NOT_** include the Opt-Out clause.


SMS Messaging

  • The initial message that is sent from Club-OS to an individual includes the following instructions to opt out - "|To stop these messages, reply STOP"
  • The option to opt-out of SMS communications will be delivered upon the delivery of the initial text message. It will also be delivered every 30 days to ensure that the recipient is aware of how to opt out. 
    • Example 1: 
      Day 1 – customer is sent SMS that includes the opt-out messaging
      Day 15 – customer is sent a SMS text message that does not include opt-out messaging
      Day 30 – consumer is sent a SMS that will include the opt-out messaging
    • Example 2:
      Day 1 – customer is sent SMS that included the opt-out messaging

      Day 15 – customer is sent a SMS text message does not include opt-out messaging
      Day 29 – customer is sent a SMS text message does not include opt-out messaging
      Day 40 – customer is sent a SMS that will include the opt-out messaging
  • Club OS supports the ability to send opt-out instructions on every message that is sent.  If you would like to enable this feature, contact your Account Manager.


How Do I Remove the Option to Unsubscribe at the Bottom of Email Campaigns?

Due to Federal Trade Commission regulations we are unable to remove the option for email recipients to "unsubscribe" from the email campaigns.


How Can I Perform a Mass SMS/Email Opt-Out Via Spreadsheet?

If you have a spreadsheet of leads who have already opted out of SMS or email, we can upload this list into Club OS to ensure that these leads are not contacted via the opted out method. This will not add new leads; it will only update existing records.

The process is as follows:

  1. Create a spreadsheet with no headers, and just a single column of the opted out phone numbers or email addresses, and save it as an .xlsx document
  2. Search for the club on the admin side, click on the "general" tab, then scroll down to the "Mass User Upload" heading
  3. Select "Phone Opt Out Upload" or "Email Opt Out Upload," select "choose file" and upload the xlsx document, then click "Load File"
  4. You will receive an email confirming this has been completed. You can confirm that it worked by searching by one of the phone numbers or email addresses on the spreadsheet, clicking the contact button on top of the screen, and checking the available contact options.
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