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API V1 - Prospect Services


Important Note: API V1 is no longer the recommended API when integrating with Club OS.  To build a new integration, please refer to our API v3 Documentation for the most up to date APIs and documentation.


Available Services

Service Name
/prospects Add and update prospects.
/referrals Add referrals to existing members.


GET /prospects

Verifies that the given prospect userId exists in Club OS and you have access to it.  



The following fields must be included as parameters in the URL of the request.

clubLocationId Integer The Club OS unique id for the club location you wish to access. Club OS will provide these to you.
userId Integer The Club OS unique id for the prospect you are requesting.
Response Message

The following message will be returned when the request succeeds.

Message Description
Prospect was found The prospect was found and you have access to them.


POST /prospects

Add a prospect to the system.



The following fields must be included as parameters in the URL of the request.

clubLocationId Integer The Club OS unique id for the club location you wish to access. Club OS will provide these to you.
Request Body

The following fields must be included in the body of the HTTP request as a valid JSON string.

address1 String N   Prospect address line 1.
address2 String N   Prospect address line 2.


String N   The barcode of the prospect


String N   The id of the prospect that was created by the integrated billing system.
birthDate Date (M-d-YYYY) N   Prospect date of birth.
city String N   Prospect full city.


Boolean N false If set to true, Club OS will not sync this prospect to the integrated billing system.
email String C   Prospect email address. Email or 1 phone number is required.
emailOptOut Boolean N false If true, the prospect will be opted out of email. 
firstName String Y   Prospect first name.
gender String N M 'M' for male, 'F' for female.
guestPassEnd Date (M-d-YYYY) N   The end date of the prospect's guest pass.
guestPassStart Date (M-d-YYYY) N   The start date of the prospect's guest pass.
homePhone String C   Prospect home phone number with no formatting (e.g. 5555555555). Email or 1 phone number is required.


Boolean N false If true, phone numbers will not be used to lookup an existing prospect.
interests String[] N  

Array of Strings that should match the interests in your Club OS account. Ideal for content marketing.

Example: ["Personal Training","Smoothies","Tanning"]

lastName String Y   Prospect last name.
mobilePhone String C   Prospect mobile phone number with no formatting (e.g. 5555555555). Email or 1 phone number is required.
notes String N   Optional notes about the prospect.
salespersonId Integer N   The Club OS unique ID for the salesperson of the prospect being added. This salesperson will be assigned for the prospect's follow-up. 
sendCampaignResponseEmail Boolean N false Send a campaign response email to this prospect. Only applies if the club is setup to receive these within Club OS.


Boolean N false Send a Presale response email to this prospect. Only applies if the club has this email configured within Club OS.


Boolean N false Send a Weblead response email to this prospect. Only applies if the club has this email configured within Club OS.
smsOptOut Boolean N false If true, the prospect will be opted out of text messages. 
source String N   The marketing source of the prospect, i.e. tv ad, mailer, internet, etc.
state String N   Prospect 2 letter state code, i.e. PA for Pennsylvania.
walkIn Boolean N   If true, the prospect will be created with an origin of walk-in.
workPhone String C   Prospect work phone number with no formatting (e.g. 5555555555). Email or 1 phone number is required.
zip String N   Prospect zip code.
originId Integer N  

The prospects origin.  If 'walkIn' is true then origin will always be set to 'Walk In'/ 1. 

The following values are supported: 1(Walk In), 2(T.I.), 3(Web), 4(Referral), 5(Other), 6(Outreach), 7(Student), 8(Paid Pass), 9(Lost Join), 10(Social Media), 11(Pay as You Go)

originName string N  

The prospects origin. Can be specified in addition to or in place of the originId. If 'walkIn' is true then origin will always be set to 'Walk In'/ 1. 

The following values are supported: Walk In, T.I., Web, Referral, Other, Outreach, Student, Paid Pass, Lost Join, Social Media, Pay as You Go

Response Messages

One of the following messages will be returned when the request succeeds.

Message Description
Prospect Created Prospect account successfully created.
Prospect Found Prospect account exists in the system already based on the email, phone number, or name provided.


PUT /prospects

Update an existing prospect.  The prospect will be looked up by name, email and phone number(s).



The following fields must be included as parameters in the URL of the request.

clubLocationId Integer The Club OS unique id for the club location you wish to access. Club OS will provide these to you.
Request Body

The following fields must be included in the body of the HTTP request as a valid JSON string.

userId Integer Y   The Club OS userId of the propspect.
firstName String N   Prospect first name.
lastName String N   Prospect last name.
email String N   Prospect email address.
homePhone String N   Prospect home phone number.
workPhone String N   Prospect work phone number.
mobilePhone String N   Prospect mobile phone number.
notes String N   Notes about the prospect.
guestPassStart Date (M-d-YYYY) N   The new start date of the prospect's guest pass.
guestPassEnd Date (M-d-YYYY) N  

The new end date of the prospect's guest pass.

smsOptOut Boolean N false If true, the prospect will be opted out of text messages. 
emailOptOut Boolean N false If true, the prospect will be opted out of email. 
Response Messages

One of the following messages will be returned when the request succeeds.

Message Description
Notes have been added. Notes were successfully added to the prospect's account.
Prospect Not Found Prospect account was not found based on name, email, and phone number lookup.

POST /referrals

Add a referral to the system.  Referrals will only be added if they are not already in the system.  We match based on email or phone number; if no email is provided and the phone number is invalid, we will reject the record and not add the user. 

The memberEmail must be attached to a member within a club in which you are authorized.


Request Body

The following fields must be included in the body of the HTTP request as a valid JSON string.

memberEmail   String C   The email of the member who submitted the referrals. Required if memberUserId is not provided.
memberUserId   Integer C   The Club OS userId of the member who submitted the referrals. Required if the memberEmail is not provided.
clubLocationId   Integer Y  

The referrals that are added will be created at this club location. The member must also exist at this club location in order for the referral to be added.

salespersonId   Integer N   The Club OS unique id for the salesperson who collected the referrals. Referrals will be assigned to this salesperson for follow-up.


  Boolean N false When set to true, Club OS system and campaign emails will NOT be sent to the referrals or referring members.
referrals         A list of one or more referrals, each having the below properties.
  firstName String Y   Referral first name.
  lastName String Y   Referral last name.
  email String C   Referral email address. Email or 1 valid phone number is required.
  gender String N M 'M' for male, 'F' for female.
  homePhone String C   Referral home phone number. Email or 1 valid phone number is required.
  workPhone String C   Referral work phone number. Email or 1 valid phone number is required.
  mobilePhone String C   Referral mobile phone number. Email or 1 valid phone number is required.
  source String N   The marketing source of the Referral, i.e. tv ad, mailer, internet, etc.
  relationship String N   Free form text that describes the relationship of the referral to the member, "Spouse" for example.
  notes String N   Free form text with any additional notes about the prospect. This will show on the referral's prospecting profile.
Response Messages

One of the following messages will be returned when the request succeeds.

Message Description
Referrals Added List of ReponseMessages that show the number referrals added, as well as any referrals that weren't added and the reason why
Request Failed If the memberEmail could not be found, or there were no valid referrals submitted.


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