If you have existing prospects that need to be uploaded into Club OS, this can be completed by a Club OS rep. Provide an excel or csv file to support@club-os.com with the following required fields and any of the optional fields (blank template can be provided upon request) . This should be used during initial onboarding and not to be used on a regular basis. If you find you need to do this regularly, please reach out to a Club OS rep to decide the best ongoing method to submit prospects.
Location Name (Required)
First Name (Required)
Last Name (Required)
Email (or any of the Phone fields Required)
Phone (or Email Required)
Work Phone
Home Phone
Street Address
Postal Code
Marketing Sources (Required)
Date Created
Follow-Up Employee
Email Opt Out (Y/N)
SMS Opt Out (Y/N)
Last Visit Date
Referred By First Name
Referred By Last Name
Origin (Web, Outreach, Walk In, Referral, TI, Other, Paid Pass, Lost Join, Student, Social Media, Pay As You Go, VIP Guest)
Status (Active or Not Active)
Along with the file, please specify
- If these prospects should be assigned for follow up. The ‘do not assign follow up’ is recommended for prospects who you want to send marketing campaigns to but staff do not need to reachout.
- If these prospects need to be pushed to your membership management system. It’s recommended to not push them if they already exist in your membership management system.