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Collecting and Managing Prospect/Member SMS Preferences


On every prospect and member profile, there are Communication Settings that can be seen in their User Settings. If the opt in checkbox is enabled, then that user can receive that form of communication. If they are disabled, that person is considered opted out and you cannot communicate with that user using the specified method.



Add New Lead Page (Manual Staff Entry): By default, the prospect is considered opted out of SMS. If staff have permission to manually opt-in users, they can checkmark the “Opt lead into SMS communication” checkbox. 

Referrals: All referrals are opted out of SMS until the referral has opted in (see other methods such as Club OS Forms or API V1)


Club OS Forms (Guest Waiver, Weblead Form or Outreach Form): All prospects created by Club OS Forms are opted into SMS by default. Opt In language and checkbox can be added to your form(s). This allows prospects to opt themselves in or out of SMS communication. 


REST API /prospect: For leads being submitted to Club OS via REST API, their SMS opt in or out can be set using the smsOptOut property. If the property is not sent, the prospect is assumed opted in. 


HubSpot: If you have a HubSpot integration set up, the SMS opt in field can be configured in your custom integration so that Club OS receives their opt in status. If this field is not configured in the integration, prospects are set to opted in. 


Facebook Lead Ad Integration: All prospects from the integration are set to opt in so it’s highly recommended that SMS opt in language is added to your lead ads. 


If you have further questions, would like to request additional configuration options, or to change any settings, please contact



Users can opt out of SMS at any time by replying “STOP”. This is communicated to the user on the first SMS message of every thread. Club OS will automatically update their Communication Settings. Even if staff have the ability to manually opt in users, the SMS message will not be sent to the user until the user replies “START” to opt themselves back in. Or at any time, staff can opt out users from SMS in their User Settings > Communication Settings.


All SMS opt outs from the user are logged and can be seen on the Opt Out Report

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