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Leaderboard Analytics


The Leaderboard is a great way to get an overview of how your locations and/or employees are performing. It allows you to compare and assess results over a selected date range using a variety of metrics.

Locate the Leaderboard under Dashboard → Leaderboard.

Locate the Leaderboard

Each tab in the Leaderboard dashboard includes a ‘Group By’ filter which allows you to flip between viewing the leaderboard by locations or by employees.

Leaderboard Example

The data is organized into five leaderboard dashboards. The following leaderboards are available:

  1. New Leads (Based on Lead Creation Date)
  2. Follow-Ups (Based on Follow-Up Completion Date only, and does not include other communication like Direct Contacts)
  3. Initial Contact (Based on Lead Creation Date)
  4. Club Traffic (Based on Tour Date)
  5. Sales (Based on Membership Sale Date)

Jump to:  New Leads | Scheduled Follow-Ups | Initial Contact | Traffic | Sales

New Leads Leaderboard

The information on this leaderboard is based on lead creation date. Other activity reported here may or may not have occurred in that range. (For example, this dashboard will display information about Follow-Ups or Appointments that were created outside the report's date range if they are associated with leads that were created within the range.)

This dashboard excludes deleted leads completely.

Using the 'Group by' filter to group the data by location will display all data summarized by the location of the lead where as grouping the data by employee will display all data summarized by the employee that created the lead. To further filter by a specific location or subset of employees, the location and employee filter can also be applied.

Filters.jpgIf you are not seeing the data you expect, try clearing the filters and starting over.

  • New Leads: The number of new leads created within the selected date range. (This will include any new Prospect or Member users added to the system, including those that come in as members via an integrated member management system.)
  • Not Contacted:  Leads created within the selected date range that have not been contacted at all (either by a Follow-up or Direct Contact). (Walk-ins and telephone inquiries are excluded from this metric.)
    • Want to see a list of these leads?  Try setting the 'Contacted' filter to 'No' and then refer to the table at the bottom of the page. 
  • Scheduled Appointments: Leads created within the selected date range that have a Scheduled Appointment, all appointment statuses are included.
  • Contact %: The percentage of new leads that have received a qualifying contact. A contact can be a completed contact (follow-up or direct contact), a completed appointment or a completed digital guest waiver. (Prospects with an origin of T.I and members are excluded)
  • Completed Tours: Leads created within the selected date range that have a Completed tour (Unscheduled Visit or Scheduled Appointment).
  • Completed Tour %: The percentage of Leads created within the selected date range that have a Completed tour (Unscheduled Visit or Scheduled Appointment).
  • Closed Tours: Leads created within the selected date range that have had a completed tour (Unscheduled Visit or Scheduled Appointment) that resulted in a membership sale. If the membership was ultimately sold online it will be excluded.
  • Converted: The number of leads created in the date range that ultimately purchased a membership. (This can include membership purchases that were made outside the date range.)
  • Conversion %: The percentage of new leads that were created within the data range that ultimately purchased a membership. (This can include membership purchases that were made outside the date range.)


Jump to: New Leads | Scheduled Follow-Ups | Initial Contact | Traffic | Sales

Follow-Ups Dashboard

All data in this dashboard are reported using the date the Follow-up was completed. This dashboard includes information on both scheduled follow-ups and direct contacts.

Using the 'Group by' filter to group the data by location will display all data summarized by the location of the follow-up where as grouping the data by employee will display all data summarized by the employee that completed the contact. To further filter by a specific location or subset of employees, the location and employee filter can also be applied.


If you are not seeing the data you expect, try clearing the filters and starting over.

Remember that scheduled Follow-ups that were created in accordance with your club's regular sales cadence, and completed by club staff, are the only contact type that will appear here. This dashboard will not display overdue (non-completed) Follow-Ups or any other contact with leads or members.

  • Completed Follow-ups: The total number of follow-ups (both scheduled and direct) completed in the reported date range, automatic follow-ups will be included in this number.
  • Scheduled Follow-ups: The number of scheduled follow-ups (call, email or text) completed in the reported date range, automatic follow-ups will be included in this number.
  • Direct Contacts: The number of direct contacts completed in the reported date range.
  • Automatic Follow-ups: The number of scheduled automatic follow-ups that were successfully completed in the reported date range. Failed automatic follow-ups that had to be completed manually will not be included. 
  • On-Time Follow-ups: The total number of completed scheduled follow-ups in the reported date range that were completed on the day that they were due. 
  • Overdue Follow-ups: The total number of scheduled PT or Membership follow-ups that were scheduled to occur during the selected date range that are currently overdue for the selected club or location. To see a full list of overdue follow-ups, check out the 'Overdue Follow-Ups' table at the bottom of the page. Please note, this is up to date as of the date and time of the last refresh of the dashboards which can be found on the bottom of the page.


Jump to:  New Leads | Scheduled Follow-Ups | Initial Contact | Traffic | Sales

Initial Contact Dashboard

The information on this dashboard is based on lead creation date and the location which the follow-up was completed. The calculations in this dashboard use Business Hours from 8 am - 8 pm only according to your selected location's time zone. For example, if one lead comes in at 8 pm on Monday and another comes in at 8 am on Tuesday, and both are contacted at 9 am Tuesday, both would be considered 1 hour to first contact.

Using the 'Group by' filter to group the data by location will display all data summarized by the location of the contact where as grouping the data by employee will display all data summarized by the employee that completed the contact. To further filter by a specific location or subset of employees, the location and employee filter can also be applied.


  • Leads Contacted: Leads created within the selected date range that have received a Follow-up or Direct Contact of any kind. Walk-ins and T.I.s are considered as having a follow up as the origin designates that a contact has occurred.
  • Web Lead Response Time (hours):  The average number of business hours between a lead being created with an origin of ‘Web’ and a Follow-up being completed. Members that joined online and did not exist as a lead in Club OS will be excluded from this number.
  • Referral Response Time (hours): The average number of business hours between a lead being created with an origin of ‘Referral' and a Follow-up being completed. 
  • 1, 4, 12 Hour Web Response %: The percentage of contacted web leads that received a Follow-Up within that number of hours of submitting the web form. Members that joined online and did not exist as a lead in Club OS will be excluded from this number.


Jump to:  New Leads | Scheduled Follow-Ups | Initial Contact | Traffic | Sales

Traffic Dashboard

The information on this dashboard is based on the tour start date. Other activity reported here may or may not have occurred in that range.  Closes reported on this dashboard exclude web sign ups.

This dashboard excludes deleted tours completely. 

Using the 'Group by' filter to group the data by location will display all data summarized by the location of the tour where as grouping the data by employee will display all data summarized by the employee that completed the tour. To further filter by a specific location or subset of employees, the location and employee filter can also be applied.


  • Total Tours Scheduled: The total number of tours that were scheduled during the selected date range. This includes both unscheduled visits and scheduled appointments of any status (no-show, confirmed, completed, active, rescheduled, canceled). 
  • Traffic: The total number of completed tours(attendees status = completed), includes appointments and unscheduled visits.
  • Closed Tours: The total number of completed tours during the date range that resulted in a close. Excludes web sign ups.
  • Overall Close %: The percentage of completed tours (attendees status = completed) during the date range that resulted in a close. Excludes web sign ups.
  • DGW%: The total number of waivers that were signed by attendees of completed tours out of the total number of completed tours. 
  • Unsch. Visits: The number of unscheduled visits that occurred during the selected date range with a status of completed..
  • Unsch Visits Closed: The number of unscheduled visit tours that occurred during the selected date range that resulted in a membership purchase. Excludes web sign ups.
  • Unsch Visits Close %: The percentage of unscheduled visits which were completed during the date range that resulted in a close. Excludes web sign ups.
  • Appts Show: The number of scheduled appointments that occurred during the selected date range with a status of completed. 
  • Appts Closed: The number of scheduled appointments that occurred during the selected date range that resulted in a membership purchase. Excludes web sign ups.
  • Appts Close %: The percentage of appointments which were completed during the date range that resulted in a close. Excludes web sign ups.



Jump to:  New Leads | Scheduled Follow-Ups | Initial Contact | Traffic | Sales

Sales Dashboard

Internal: The sales tab will only be visible to clubs with the feature permission for 'Membership Agreement Analytics set to 'Allow'.

All data in this dashboard is based on the membership sale date. All data in this dashboard is based on the membership sale date. All data refers to new memberships only (excluding rewrites and renewals), except for the specific Rewrite and Renewal statistics.  This dashboard will not include any Membership Type that is set to "ignored" in Club OS System Admin.

Using the 'Group by' filter to group the data by location will display all data summarized by the location of the sale where as grouping the data by employee will display all data summarized by the employee that made the sale. To further filter by a specific location or subset of employees, the location and employee filter can also be applied.


  • New Memberships: The number of new memberships with a sale date in the reported date range. (Excludes memberships that are renewals and rewrites.)
  • Web Sign-Ups: The number of new memberships sold online with a sale date within the selected date range. 
  • New Recurring Payment: The total recurring membership fees (excluding taxes) for memberships sold in the date range. This includes new memberships only (not renewals, rewrites, or Return for Collections (RFCs)).
  • Average Recurring Payment: The average recurring membership fee (excluding taxes) for memberships sold in the date range. This includes new memberships only (not renewals, rewrites, or Return for Collections (RFCs)).
  • New Member Referrals: The total number of referrals that were captured for members that purchased a new membership.  Only includes referrals that were created on or after the date of the sale.
  • Avg Referrals Per Member: The average number of referrals that were captured for members that purchased a new membership.  Only includes referrals that were created on or after the date of the sale.
  • Avg Membership Length (months): The average agreement length in months for memberships sold in the date range. This includes new memberships only (not renewals, rewrites, or RFCs.) For clubs that only sell month-to-month memberships, this value will most likely be 1 or close to 1.
  • New Membership Paid on Sale: The total down payments collected (excluding taxes) for memberships sold in the date range. This includes new memberships only (not renewals, rewrites, or Return for Collections (RFCs)).
  • Rewrites: The number of rewritten memberships with a sale date (the date of the rewrite) in the reported date range.
  • Rewrite MRR: The total recurring membership fees (excluding taxes) for memberships rewritten in the date range. This includes rewrites only.
  • Renewals: The number of renewal memberships with a sale date (the date of the renewal) in the reported date range.
  • Renewal MRR: The total recurring membership fees (excluding taxes) for memberships renewed in the date range. This includes renewals only.









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