This is a short explanation of the terms you will find on your Sales Performance Analytics dashboard. If you need more information, check out our comprehensive overview of this tool.
Overview | Leads | Scheduled Follow-Ups | Initial Contact | Events | Sales
Overview Dashboard
- New Leads: New leads created within the selected date range (includes all new Prospects or Members added to Club OS, whether added manually or via integrated member management system.)
- Completed Follow-ups: Number of follow-ups (direct contacts & scheduled follow-ups) completed in the reported date range.
- Traffic: Number of unscheduled visits and appointments that occurred during the selected date range with a status of completed(the lead stepped foot into the Club).
- Completed Waivers: Total number of unique visitors that completed a waiver out of the total number of unique visitors that completed a tour.
- Closed Traffic: Number of unscheduled visits and appointments that occurred during the selected date range that resulted in a membership being sold.
- New Memberships: Number of new memberships with a sale date in the reported date range. (Excludes memberships that are renewals and rewrites.)
- Overdue Follow-Ups: Number of scheduled PT or Membership follow-ups that were scheduled to occur prior to the end date of the selected date range that are currently overdue.
- Web Lead Response Time(hours): Average number of business hours between a lead being created with an origin of ‘Web’ and a Follow-Up being completed.
- Average Referrals Per New Member: The average number of referrals captured from members that purchased a membership within the date range. (Excludes referrals from members that had a membership renewal or rewrite)
- Web Leads Contacted within 1 business hour: Percentage of web leads that received a Follow-Up within that 1 hour of submitting the web form.
- Contacts to First Membership: Average number of contacts (Follow Up or Direct Contact) made with leads prior to a membership purchase. Excludes web sign ups and walk-ins.
- Contacts to First Appointment: Average number of contacts (Follow Up or Direct Contact) made with leads prior to an appointment being scheduled. Excludes walk-ins.
- Leads by Origin: New leads created during the date range, grouped by Origin.
- Leads by Source: New leads created during the date range, grouped by Source.
- Completed Follow-ups: Number and percentage of scheduled Follow-ups (call, email, or text) completed in the reported date range.
- Completed Follow-ups by Day: Number of scheduled Follow-ups completed reported by day and grouped by the follow-up action(call, email, or text).
- Appointments By Status: Number and percentage of appointments in each status scheduled in the reported date range.
- Traffic By Day: Total amount of club traffic by date. Includes appointments and unscheduled visits with a status of completed.
Overview | Leads | Scheduled Follow-Ups | Initial Contact | Events | Sales
New Leads Dashboard
This dashboard is based on lead creation date. Other activity reported here may or may not have occurred in that range. This dashboard excludes deleted leads completely.
- New Leads: New leads created within the selected date range (includes all new Prospects or Members added to Club OS, whether added manually or via integrated member management system.)
- Leads Not Contacted: Leads created within the date range that have not received a contact. A contact can be a completed contact(follow-up or direct contact), a completed appointment or a completed digital guest waiver. (Prospects with an origin of T.I and members are excluded)
- Scheduled Appointments: Leads created within the selected date range that have a Scheduled Appointment, all appointment statuses are included.
- Completed Tours: Leads created within the selected date range that have a Completed tour (Unscheduled Visit or Scheduled Appointment).
- Closed Lead Tours: Leads created within the date range with a completed event resulting in a membership sale. Excludes online purchases.
- New Leads Converted: Leads created in the date range that ultimately purchased a membership. (Purchase may have occurred outside the date range).
- Leads by Origin: New leads created each day, grouped by origin.
- Leads by Source: New leads created each day, grouped by Marketing Source. Will show as “unknown” if a source is not specified.
- Appointments Created: Appointments created each day for leads created during the reported date range, grouped by Origin.
- Leads Converted by Source: Number of leads created in the date range that ultimately purchased a membership.
Overview | Leads | Scheduled Follow-Ups | Initial Contact | Events | Sales
Follow-Ups Dashboard
All data in this dashboard are reported using the date the Follow-up was completed. This dashboard includes information on scheduled Follow-ups and Direct Contacts.
- Total Completed Follow-ups: Number/percentage of completed follow-ups (call, email, or text) completed in the reported date range.
- Scheduled Follow-ups:The number of scheduled follow-ups (call, email or text) completed in the reported date range.
- Direct Contacts: Number of direct contacts completed in the reported date range.
- Automatic Follow-ups: The number of scheduled automatic follow-ups that were successfully completed in the reported date range.
- On-Time Follow-ups: The total number of completed scheduled follow-ups in the reported date range that were completed on the day that they were due.
- Overdue Follow-ups: The total number of scheduled PT or Membership follow-ups that were scheduled to occur during the selected date range that are currently overdue for the selected club or location.
- Completed Follow Ups: Number/percentage of completed follow-ups (call, email, or text) completed in the reported date range.
- Follow-ups Performed by Action: Follow-ups completed each day, grouped by the action taken (call/email/text).
- Follow-up Action by Origin: Completed Follow-Ups by Origin type and whether they were conducted by call, email, or text.
- Follow-up Phone Calls by Outcome: Follow-up phone calls completed each day during the date range.
- Follow-up Method: Number/percentage of manual and automatic follow-ups completed in the reported date range.
- Follow-ups Completed by Days from Due Date: The total number of follow-ups completed reported by the days from the due date that the follow up was completed.
- Follow-ups Performed by Action & Follow-up Status: Follow-ups completed for each Follow-Up Status with an outcome date in the reported date range, grouped by follow up action.
- Overdue Follow-ups by Days Overdue: The total number of follow-ups that were scheduled to occur during the selected date range that are currently overdue reported by the number of days overdue.
Overview | Leads | Scheduled Follow-Ups | Initial Contact | Events | Sales
Initial Contact Dashboard
Based on lead creation date and organized by Follow-Up Status, Origin and Lead Source. “Business Hours” are from 8 am - 8 pm.
- Web Lead Response Time(hours): Average number of business hours between a lead being created with an origin of ‘Web’ and a Follow-Up being completed.
- Referral Response Time (hours): Average number of business hours between a lead being created with an origin of ‘Referral' and a Follow-Up being completed.
- Leads Contacted: Leads created within the date range that received a Follow Up or Direct Contact. Includes Walk-ins and Telephone Inquiries.
- First Follow up Action for Web Leads: Action used to contact web leads for the first contact.
- Initial Contacts by Origin: Number of initial contacts (first Follow-Up) that are completed each day, grouped by origin.
- Web Leads Contacted with 1, 4, or 12 business hours: Percentage of web leads that received a Follow-Up within that number of hours of submitting the web form.
- Time to First Contact by Follow Up Status: Number of business hours between the lead created date and the first Follow-Up, grouped by follow up status.
- Time to First Contact by Origin: Number of business hours between lead created date and first Follow-Up, grouped by Origin.
Overview | Leads | Scheduled Follow-Ups | Initial Contact | Events | Sales
Traffic Dashboard
Based on the tour start date. Other activity reported here may or may not have occurred in that range. Closes on this dashboard exclude web sign ups. This dashboard excludes deleted tours completely.
- Total Tours Scheduled: Number of tours that were scheduled during the selected date range. This includes both unscheduled visits and scheduled appointments.
- Unscheduled Visits: Number of unscheduled visit events that occurred during the selected date range.
- Closed Unscheduled Visits: Number of unscheduled visit events that occurred during the selected date range resulting in a membership purchase. Excludes web sign ups.
- Appointments: Number of scheduled appointments that occurred during the selected date range.
- Appointments Show: Number of scheduled appointments that occurred during the selected date range with a status of completed.
- Appointments Closed: Number of scheduled appointments that occurred during the selected date range that resulted in a membership purchase. Excludes web sign ups.
- Traffic (Appointment Show / Unscheduled Visit): Amount of club traffic by date. Includes appointments and unscheduled visits with a completed status. The line represents the number of events that resulted in a close.
- Completed Waivers: Total number of unique visitors that completed a waiver out of the total number of unique visitors that completed a tour.
- Incomplete Tours by Day: Tours that were scheduled but did not occur during the date range due to cancellation, no-show, or reschedule, grouped by attendee status.
- Appointments by Status: Appointments occurring during the date range, grouped by appointment status.
- Number of Visits to Close: For tours that resulted in a close, this is the number of completed tours that the attendee had prior to closing.
- Close Rate by Visit Type: Percentage of completed tours that resulted in a close reported by day and by visit type.
Overview | Leads | Scheduled Follow-Ups | Initial Contact | Events | Sales
Sales Dashboard
Based on the membership sale date. (Clubs choose whether to designate this as the Sign Date or Start Date.) All data refers to new memberships only (excluding rewrites and renewals), except for the specific Rewrite and Renewal statistics. Will not include any Membership Type that is set to "ignored" in Club OS System Admin.
- New Memberships: New memberships with a sale date in the reported date range. (Excludes memberships that are renewals and rewrites.)
- Web Sign Ups: Number of memberships sold online with a sale date in the selected date range.
- Rewrites: Rewritten memberships with a sale date in the reported date range.
- Renewals: Renewal memberships with a sale date in the reported date range.
- RFCs: Rewritten memberships designated as ‘RFC’ with a sale date in the reported date range.
- Average Recurring Membership Payment: Average recurring membership fee (excluding taxes) for memberships sold in the date range. Includes new memberships only.
- Average Agreement Length (months): Average agreement length in months for memberships sold in the date range. Includes new memberships only.
- New Member Referrals: The total number of referrals captured from members that purchased a membership within the date range. (Excludes referrals from members that had a membership renewal or rewrite)
- Memberships by Source: Membership sales with a date in the report date range, grouped by source. Includes new memberships only. Will display source as “unknown” if not specified.
- Memberships by Origin: Membership sales with a date in the report date range, grouped by origin. Includes new memberships only.
- Memberships by Type: Membership sales with a sale date in the report date range, grouped by membership type. Includes new memberships only.
- Lead Close Aging: Number/type of memberships sold in the report date range, summarized by lead created date.
- Membership Type by Origin: Most common origin and membership type combination.Darker blocks indicate higher numbers.
- Membership Type Distribution: Proportion of each membership type that was sold in the report date range. Includes new memberships only (not renewals, rewrites, or Return for Collections (RFCs).
- Contacts Resulting in a Membership: Number of contacts made via scheduled follow up or direct contact prior to the membership being sold.
Overview | Leads | Scheduled Follow-Ups | Initial Contact | Events | Sales