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Sales Performance Analytics


Sales Performance Overview 

Sales Performance Analytics provides a detailed view of your club's sales and marketing efforts. This allows you to evaluate your club's performance over a selected date range and use the data to assess and adjust your sales and marketing strategies. 

Keep in mind that these analytics are calculated differently and may not correlate with KPIs. KPIs (found on your Dashboard when you first log in to Club OS, and available via the KPI widget) always report real-time data, while Sales Performance Analytics give you a more comprehensive picture of activity that occurred during a selected date range. Please note that while a custom date selector is available, data in our Sales Performance dashboards goes as far back as January 1st, 2019.

Analytics data is organized into five categories dashboards as well as an Overview dashboard that allows you to see the most important information from each dashboard in a single place. The following dashboards are available:

  1. Overview 
  2. New Leads (Based on Lead Creation Date)
  3. Follow-Ups (Based on Follow-Up Completion Date only, and does not include other communication like Direct Contacts)
  4. Initial Contact (Based on Lead Creation Date)
  5. Club Traffic (Based on Tour Date)
  6. Guests (Based on Guest Registrations and Check Ins)
  7. Guest of Member (Based on Guest of Member Registrations and Check Ins)
  8. Sales (Based on Membership Sale Date)


Jump to: OverviewNew Leads | Scheduled Follow-Ups | Initial Contact | Traffic | Guests | Guest of Member | Sales

Reading the Data

Mousing over a section of a graph can provide more information (such as a specific count of a particular type of activity). You can also access details on individual data types by clicking on the section you are interested in. A blue border will appear, and you will see additional buttons on the top right of the section. Mouse over each button for more information.

Options include:

  1. Export to CSV. (Available on all data types.)
  2. Drill Down, which allows you to view additional details or sort information based on different criteria. (Available on selected data types.)
  3. Filter. (Available on selected data types.)


At the bottom of each dashboard, you can also access a more detailed breakdown of relevant information, with the option to download as a CSV. For example, a list of all individual leads appears at the bottom of the New Leads dashboard.

For any prospect or member included in the detailed data it's easy to view their profile by clicking on the "view" link next to their name. This will open a new tab directly to the prospect/member's profile. 


Screen Shot 2024-02-13 at 11.48.49 AM.png


The employee filter displays the names of undeleted employees; however, the dashboard data displays data from all employees, regardless of deletion status. Therefore, selecting all employees individually may yield fewer results than selecting "All" employees if there is data attributed to a deleted employee.

Overview Dashboard

The information on this dashboard is based on a combination of what we believe to be the most important data from the individual tabs, combined into a single view to allow you to get a high-level view of your clubs performance in a single dashboard.  


  • New Leads: The number of new leads created within the selected date range. (This will include any new Prospect or Member users added to the system, including those that come in as members via an integrated member management system.)
  • Completed Follow-ups: The total number of follow-ups (both scheduled and direct) completed in the reported date range, automatic follow-ups will be included in this number.
  • Traffic: The number of unscheduled visits and appointments that occurred during the selected date range with a status of completed(the lead stepped foot into the Club).
  • Completed Waivers: Total number of unique visitors that completed a waiver out of the total number of unique visitors that completed a tour.
  • Closed Traffic: The number of unscheduled visits and appointments that occurred during the selected date range that resulted in a membership being sold.
  • Web Sign Ups: The number of new memberships sold online with a sale date within the selected date range. 
  • Overdue Follow-Ups: The total number of scheduled PT or Membership follow-ups that were scheduled to occur prior to the end date of the selected date range that are currently overdue for the selected club or location.  
    • Example: If you select 6/1/2020 - 6/30/2020 as your dashboard date range, the number of Overdue Follow-ups on the Overview tab will include any follow-ups that are currently overdue that had a due date on or prior to 6/30/2020.
  • Web Lead Response Time (hours):  The average number of business hours between a lead being created with an origin of ‘Web’ and a Follow-up being completed. 
  • Web Leads Contacted within 1 business hour: The percentage of contacted web leads that received a Follow-Up within that number of hours of submitting the web form.
  • Average Referrals Per New Member: The average number of referrals captured from members that purchased a membership within the date range. (Excludes referrals from members that had a membership renewal or rewrite)
  • Contacts to First Membership: The average number of contacts (Follow Up or Direct Contact)  made with leads prior to a membership purchase. (Only includes leads created in the report's date range that ultimately purchased a membership. Leads who have not purchased a membership are not included in this calculation.) This does not include web sign ups, or leads with an origin of Walk-in.
  • Contacts to First Appointment:  The average number of contacts (Follow Up or Direct Contact) made with leads prior to an appointment being scheduled. (Only includes leads that were created within the date range and ultimately scheduled an appointment, whether or not the appointment itself fell within the date range reported date range.) This only includes Appointments (no other event types are included) and does not include leads with an origin of Walk-in.

Updated sales performance screenshot overview.png

  • Leads by Origin: The number of new leads created during the date range, grouped by Origin (how the lead first contacted the club, such as Walk-in or Web Lead). This allows you to see what the most and least common origin is for your leads.
  • Leads by Source: The number of new leads created during the date range, grouped by Source (how the lead found out about the club, such as Google or Facebook). This allows you to see what the most and least common marketing source is for your leads.
  • Lead Close Aging: The number and type of memberships sold in the report date range,  summarized by the lead created date. 


  • Completed Follow-ups: The number and percentage of scheduled Follow-ups (call, email, or text) completed in the reported date range.
  • Completed Follow-ups by Day: The number of scheduled Follow-ups completed reported by day and grouped by the follow-up action(call, email, or text). The chart includes a line that shows how many follow-ups each day were direct contacts.


  • Appointments By Status: The number and percentage of appointments in each status(confirmed, active, no-show, canceled, etc) scheduled in the reported date range.
  • Traffic By Day: The total amount of club traffic by date. Includes appointments and unscheduled visits with a status of completed (the lead stepped foot into the Club). The lines on the chart represents the number of tours that resulted in a close and the number of visits that were be-backs


New Leads Dashboard

The information on this dashboard is based on lead creation date. Other activity reported here may or may not have occurred in that range. (For example, this dashboard will display information about Follow-Ups or Appointments that were created outside the report's date range if they are associated with leads that were created within the range.)

This dashboard excludes deleted leads completely.

The dashboard displays all (non-deleted) leads at all locations, but you can also use the filters (drop-down menus at the top of the dashboard) to select one or more locations, employees, marketing sources, user origins, follow-up status, or lead created date. This dashboard also has a contacted filter which allows you to view leads based on whether or not they have been contacted. (Note: Walk-ins and telephone inquiries are considered contact)


Filtering to a specific location or locations will display leads created at that location. Filtering by employee will display all leads created by that user. If you are not seeing the data you expect, try clearing the filters and starting over.

The lead type filter allows you to choose which type of leads you want to view insights for. First-Time Lead are all newly created leads. Applying 'Re-interested Leads' will show you data for existing leads who have shown interest again and 'Re-interested ex-member' will show you data for ex-members who have shown interest and were converted back to a prospect.

  • New Leads: The number of new leads created within the selected date range. (This will include any new Prospect or Member users added to the system, including those that come in as members via an integrated member management system.)
  • Leads Not Contacted: Leads created within the date range that have not received a contact. A contact can be a completed contact(follow-up or direct contact), a completed appointment or a completed digital guest waiver. (Prospects with an origin of T.I and members are excluded)
    • Want to see a list of these leads?  Try setting the 'Contacted' filter to 'No' and then refer to the table at the bottom of the page. 
  • Scheduled Appointments:  Leads created within the selected date range that have a Scheduled Appointment, all appointment statuses are included.
  • Completed Tours: Leads created within the selected date range that have a Completed tour (Unscheduled Visit or Scheduled Appointment).
  • Closed Lead Tours: Leads created within the selected date range that have had a completed tour (Unscheduled Visit or Scheduled Appointment) that resulted in a membership sale. If the membership was ultimately sold online it will be excluded.
  • New Leads Converted: The number of leads created in the date range that ultimately purchased a membership. (This can include membership purchases that were made outside the date range.)

New Leads screenshot updated.png

  • Leads by Origin: The number of new leads created each day, grouped by origin. This visual allows you to see where your leads are originating and how/if this changes over the reporting period.

Leads by Day chart

  • Leads by Source: The number of new leads created each day, grouped by Marketing Source (how the lead found out about your club, such as Referral or Social Media).  This allows you to see which marketing source is bringing in the largest percentage of leads. If a source is not specified for a lead, the widget will display its source as ‘Unknown’.


  • Leads Converted by Source:  The number of leads created in the date range that ultimately purchased a membership group by the source that brought them into the Club. (This can include membership purchases that were made outside the date range.)
  • Appointments Created: The number of appointments created each day for leads created during the reported date range, grouped by Origin.  Since this is based on the lead created date, the appointment may occur outside of the date range selected. 


Jump to: OverviewNew Leads | Scheduled Follow-Ups | Initial Contact | Traffic | Guests | Sales


Follow-Ups Dashboard

All data in this dashboard are reported using the date the Follow-up was completed. This dashboard includes information on both scheduled follow-ups and direct contacts.

The dashboard displays all scheduled and completed Follow-Ups at all locations, but you can also use the filters (drop-down menus at the top of the dashboard) to select one or more locations, employees, marketing sources, user origins, follow-up status, and follow-up method or date.


Filtering to a specific location or locations will display the location of the lead at the time of the Follow-Up. Filtering by employee will show Follow-ups that were completed by that user. If you are not seeing the data you expect, try clearing the filters and starting over.

Remember that scheduled Follow-ups that were created in accordance with your club's regular sales cadence, and completed by club staff, are the only contact type that will appear here. This dashboard will not display overdue (non-completed) Follow-Ups or any other contact with leads or members.

  • Total Completed Follow-ups: The total number of follow-ups (both scheduled and direct) completed in the reported date range, automatic follow-ups will be included in this number.
  • Scheduled Follow-ups: The number of scheduled follow-ups (call, email or text) completed in the reported date range, automatic follow-ups will be included in this number.
  • Direct Contacts: The number of direct contacts completed in the reported date range.
  • Automatic Follow-ups: The number of scheduled automatic follow-ups that were successfully completed in the reported date range. Failed automatic follow-ups that had to be completed manually will not be included. 
  • On-Time Follow-ups: The total number of completed scheduled follow-ups in the reported date range that were completed on the day that they were due. 
  • Overdue Follow-ups: The total number of scheduled PT or Membership follow-ups that were scheduled to occur during the selected date range that are currently overdue for the selected club or location. To see a full list of overdue follow-ups, check out the 'Overdue Follow-Ups' table at the bottom of the page. Please note, this is up to date as of the date and time of the last refresh of the dashboards which can be found on the bottom of the page.


  • Completed Follow-ups: The number and percentage of scheduled Follow-ups (call, email, or text) completed in the reported date range.
  • Follow-ups Performed by Action: The number of Follow-ups completed each day, grouped by the action taken (call/email/text).

Completed follow-ups

  • Follow-up Action by Origin:  The number of completed Follow-Ups by Origin type and whether they were conducted by call, email, or text. 
  • Follow-up Phone Calls by Outcome: Follow-up phone calls completed each day during the date range, grouped by the follow-up outcome.
  • Follow-up Method: The number and percentage of manual and automatic follow-ups completed in the reported date range.

Follow-up actions

  • Follow-ups Completed by Days from Due Date: The total number of follow-ups completed reported by the days from the due date that the follow up was completed.  Since direct contacts are unscheduled and do not have due dates, they will be excluded from this chart. 
  • Follow-ups Performed by Action & Follow-up Status: The total number of follow-ups completed for each Follow-Up Status with an outcome date in the reported date range grouped by follow up action. The chart includes a line that shows how many follow-ups of each status were done automatically.  Since direct contacts are unscheduled and are not associated with a specific follow-up status, they will be excluded from this chart. 

Automatic vs. manual follow-ups, and follow-ups performed by action

  • Overdue Follow-ups by Days Overdue: The total number of follow-ups that were scheduled to occur during the selected date range that are currently overdue (as of the last dashboard refresh) reported by the number of days overdue and grouped by the follow-up status. Since direct contacts are unscheduled and do not have due dates, they will be excluded from this chart. 


Jump to: OverviewNew Leads | Scheduled Follow-Ups | Initial Contact | Traffic | Guests | Sales

Initial Contact Dashboard

The information on this dashboard is based on lead creation date and the location which the follow-up was completed and organizes the data by Follow-Up Status, Origin and Lead Source. Use this dashboard to understand where the majority of your leads are coming from and how responsive your team is with potential customers. 

The calculations in this dashboard use Business Hours from 8 am - 8 pm only according to your selected location's time zone. For example, if one lead comes in at 8 pm on Monday and another comes in at 8 am on Tuesday, and both are contacted at 9 am Tuesday, both would be considered 1 hour to first contact.

The dashboard also uses conditional formatting to highlight contacts that occurred after a set number of business hours. The first follow-up date is highlighted in yellow if 12-24 business hours passed between creation and contact, and in red if over 24 business hours passed between creation and contact.

The dashboard displays all initial contacts at all locations, but you can also use the filters (drop-down menus at the top of the dashboard) to select one or more locations, employees, marketing sources, user origins, follow-up status and method, and lead created date.


Filtering to a specific location or locations will display the location the contact was made. Filtering by employee will show contacts that were made by that user. If you are not seeing the data you expect, try clearing the filters and starting over.

The lead type filter allows you to choose which type of leads you want to view insights for. First-Time Lead are all newly created leads. Applying 'Re-interested Leads' will show you data for existing leads who have shown interest again and 'Re-interested ex-member' will show you data for ex-members who have shown interest and were converted back to a prospect.

  • First-Time Leads: The number of new leads created within the selected date range. (This will include any new Prospect or Member users added to the system, including those that come in as members via an integrated member management system.)
  • Re-Interested Leads: The number of existing leads who have shown interest again within the selected date range.
  • Re-Interested Ex-members: The number of ex-members who have shown interest and were converted back to a prospect within the selected date range.
  • Web Lead Response Time (hours):  The average number of business hours between a lead being created with an origin of ‘Web’ and a Follow-up being completed. Members that joined online and did not exist as a lead in Club OS will be excluded from this number.
  • Referral Response Time (hours): The average number of business hours between a lead being created with an origin of ‘Referral' and a Follow-up being completed. 
  • Leads Contacted: Leads created within the selected date range that have received a Follow-up or Direct Contact of any kind. Walk-ins and TIs are considered as having a follow up as the origin designates that a contact has occurred.
  • First Follow up Action for Web Leads: The action that was used to contact web leads for the first contact.
  • Initial Contacts by Origin:  The number of initial contacts (first follow-up) that are completed each day, grouped by origin. 
  • Web Leads Contacted within 1, 4, or 12 business hours: The percentage of contacted web leads that received a Follow-Up within that number of hours of submitting the web form. Members that joined online and did not exist as a lead in Club OS will be excluded from this number.


  • Time to First Contact by Follow Up Status: The number of business hours between the lead created date and the first Follow-Up, grouped by follow up status. 
  • Time to First Contact by Origin: The number of business hours between the lead created date and the first Follow-Up, grouped by Origin (the way the lead first contacted the club, such as Walk-in or Telephone Inquiry [T.I.]). 


Jump to: OverviewNew Leads | Scheduled Follow-Ups | Initial Contact | Traffic | Guests | Sales

Traffic Dashboard

The information on this dashboard is based on the tour start date. Other activity reported here may or may not have occurred in that range.  Closes reported on this dashboard exclude web sign ups.

This dashboard excludes deleted tours completely. It displays all (non-deleted) tours at all locations, but you can also use the filters (drop-down menus at the top of the dashboard) to select one or more locations, employees, marketing sources, and user origins.


  • Total Tours Scheduled: The total number of tours that were scheduled during the selected date range. This includes both unscheduled visits and scheduled appointments of any status (no-show, confirmed, completed, active, rescheduled, canceled). 
  • Unscheduled Visits: The number of unscheduled visits that occurred during the selected date range with a status of completed..
  • Closed Unscheduled Visits: The number of unscheduled visit tours that occurred during the selected date range that resulted in a membership purchase. Excludes web sign ups.
  • Appointments: The number of scheduled appointments that occurred during the selected date range.
  • Appointments Show: The number of scheduled appointments that occurred during the selected date range with a status of completed. 
  • Appointments Closed: The number of scheduled appointments that occurred during the selected date range that resulted in a membership purchase. Excludes web sign ups.

    Note: For each KPI shown, the number of tours that were considered be-backs will be shown below the KPI as a sub-metric.  For more information on how a be-back is identified in Club OS, check out this help article.


  • Traffic (Appointment Show / Unscheduled Visit): The total amount of club traffic by date. Includes appointments and unscheduled visits with a status of completed (the lead stepped foot into the Club). The lines on the chart represents the number of tours that resulted in a close and the number of visits that were be-backs


  • Completed Waivers: Total number of unique visitors that completed a waiver out of the total number of unique visitors that completed a tour.
  • Incomplete Tours by Day: Tours that were scheduled but did not occur during the date range due to cancellation, no-show, or reschedule, grouped by attendee status. 
  • Appointments by Status: The appointments occurring during the date range grouped by the status of the appointment.
  • Average Visits to Close: For tours that resulted in a close, this is the average number of completed tours that the attendee had prior to closing.


  • Number of Visits to Close: For tours that resulted in a close, this is the number of completed tours that the attendee had prior to closing.
  • Close Rate by Visit Type: The percentage of completed tours that resulted in a close reported by day and by visit type. 
  • Traffic by Day of Week: Club traffic by day of the week that it took place. Includes appointments and unscheduled visits with a completed status.
  • Traffic by Calendar Day: Club traffic by day of the month that it took place. Includes appointments and unscheduled visits with a completed status.



Jump to: OverviewNew Leads | Scheduled Follow-Ups | Initial Contact | Traffic | Guests | Sales

Guests Dashboard

Internal: The guests tab will only be visible to clubs with the feature permission for 'Guest Pass Analytics' set to 'Allow'.

This dashboard gives insights into guests in your club utilizing their activated Guest Pass. The Guest Pass must be activated in Club OS to be considered "active". 

The dashboard displays all Guest Passes during the time range at all locations, but you can also use the filters (drop-down menus at the top of the dashboard) to select one or more locations, employees, marketing sources, user origins, or membership type or follow-up status.

  • New Leads: The number of new leads created within the selected date range. (This will include any new Prospect or Member users added to the system, including those that come in as members via an integrated member management system.)
  • Total Missed Guests: The number of guests who left the club without an activated guest pass or membership agreement within the selected date range
  • Guest Passes Activated: The number of guests who had a guest pass activated within the selected date range
    • Visitors from Passes Activated During The Period: The number of unique guests who checked in during the date range from guest passes that were also activated in the date range
  • Total Unique Visitors During Period: The number of unique guests who checked in out of the total guests who had an active Guest Pass during the date range, even if their pass was activated outside of the date range 
    • Visited on Guest Pass Start Date: The number of visitors whose 1st workout was the same day their pass was activated out of the Total Unique Visitors During Period
  • Total Visits During Period: The total number of Guest Pass check ins from the selected date range
    • Note: If a completed appointment existed on the start date of the guest pass, the event is considered a check-in.
  • Converted: The number of guest who converted to a member out of the Guest Passes Activated during the selected date range

Guest screenshot.png

  • Guest Passes Activated Over Time: Number of Guest Passes Activated per day for each calendar day of the selected date range. Each day displays the number of Guest Passes Activated By Marketing Source
  • Guest Pass Visits Per Activated Guest Pass: The number of visits from guests who had a Guest Pass activated in the selected date range grouped by total number of visits per unique guest
  • Guest Pass Length: The length in days of guest passes from each Guest Pass activated in the selected date
  • Days Between First Visit and Conversion: The days it took a Guest to convert from first visit to membership sale date who had a Guest Pass activated in the selected date range grouped by number of days to conversion
  • Guest Check Ins by Day of Week: The total number of Guest Pass check ins for each day of the week. This will tell you which day of the week the most Guest Pass check ins occur. Each day displays the number of check ins per Origin
  • Guest Pass Start Day by Check In Date: Compare which day of the week people check in most frequently to least frequently based on what day they activate their Guest pass. For example, If a guest activates their pass on Monday (Y-Axis), what week days are they utilizing their guest pass (X-Axis)? If it's Red on Monday and Dark Blue on Wednesday - those are the days they are visiting most frequently

Red (most frequent) --> Light Blue (least frequent)

Guest Passes Activated - Table with a summary of each guest pass that was activated during the time period including the Guest's Name, Email, Guest Pass Start Date, Guest Pass End Date and the Total number of check ins. 
Guest Pass Check ins - Table with an entry for each individual check in that occurred during the time period for users with a guest pass. 

Guest of Member Dashboard

All data in this dashboard is based on the Guest of Member (GOM) registration or check in date. Guest of Member registrations happen by a prospect signing in on the Digital Guest Waiver using the Guest of Member button (naming is custom to each club, examples are: "Guest of VIP Member", "Guest of Platinum Member', etc) OR by enabling 'VIP Guest' on a referral. Guest of Member check ins are based on registrations, member management check ins, or using the "Be Back" button (naming is custom to each club, examples are "Retuning Guest", "Returning Platinum Guest', etc) for return visits after registering on the Digital Guest Waiver. To enable Guest of Member program or if there are questions, please reach out to


Global filters apply to the entire dashboard. For example, if the date range is "this month", you will see Guest of Member data for any registrations or check ins that occurred during this month. 




  • GOM Registrations: Total number of leads who registered as a Guest of Member. The subtext will display how many of those registrations were new leads vs. existing leads
  • Unique GOM: Total number of unique guests that checked in as a Guest of Member. The subtext will show how many total check ins occurred for those unique guests. It is expected that this number could be higher than total registrations. The difference between GOM registrations and Unique GOM will be the number of existing Guest of Members who checked in during the time period ("Be back" Guest of Member)
  • GOM Conversions: Out of the unique GOMs who checked in during the time period, it's the total number of GOM's who converted to a member
  • Average Days to Conversion: Out of the GOMs who checked in and converted, this displays the average time it took from Registration to Conversion
  • Average Check Ins to Conversion: Out of the GOMs who checked in and converted, this displays the average number of checkins from Registration to Conversion
  • GOM Visits per Unique Guest: This visual displays the number of check ins per unique guest during the time frame. This gives insight into how many times Guest of Member are checking in or repeatedly checking in during the time period
  • # of Guest Per Member: This visual shows the # of unique guest who were linked to a unique member during the time period. For example, the 3 column means those members brought 3 different guests
  • Conversions by Membership Type: This visual gives insight into the type of memberships the Guest of Members who converted are purchasing

Sales Dashboard

Internal: The sales tab will only be visible to clubs with the feature permission for 'Membership Agreement Analytics set to 'Allow'.

All data in this dashboard is based on the membership sale date. (Clubs determine whether to designate this as the Sign Date or Start Date.) All data refers to new memberships only (excluding rewrites and renewals), except for the specific Rewrite and Renewal statistics.  This dashboard will not include any Membership Type that is set to "ignored" in Club OS System Admin.

The dashboard displays all membership sales at all locations, but you can also use the filters (drop-down menus at the top of the dashboard) to select one or more locations, employees, marketing sources, user origins, or membership type or follow-up status.


Filtering to a specific location or locations will display the location the sale was made. Filtering by employee will show sales that were made by that user. If you are not seeing the data you expect, try clearing the filters and starting over.

  • New Memberships: The number of new memberships with a sale date in the reported date range. (Excludes memberships that are renewals and rewrites.)
  • Web Sign-Ups: The number of new memberships sold online with a sale date within the selected date range. 
  • Rewrites: The number of rewritten memberships with a sale date (the date of the rewrite) in the reported date range.
  • Renewals: The number of renewal memberships with a sale date (the date of the renewal) in the reported date range.
  • RFCs: Rewritten memberships with a payment plan containing the term ‘RFC’ with a sale date in the reported date range.
  • Average Recurring Membership Payment: The average recurring membership fee (excluding taxes) for memberships sold in the date range. This includes new memberships only (not renewals, rewrites, or Return for Collections (RFCs)).
    • Average Agreement Length (months): The average agreement length in months for memberships sold in the date range. This includes new memberships only (not renewals, rewrites, or RFCs.) For clubs that only sell month-to-month memberships, this value will most likely be 1 or close to 1.
  • New Member Referrals: The total number of referrals captured from members that purchased a membership within the date range. (Excludes referrals from members that had a membership renewal or rewrite)

membership data

  • Memberships by Source: The number of membership sales with a sale date in the report date range, grouped by source. Includes new memberships only. If a source is not specified for a lead, the widget will display its source as ‘Unknown’.
  • Memberships by Origin:  The number of membership sales with a sale date in the report date range, grouped by origin. Includes new memberships only.
  • Memberships by Type: The number of membership sales with a sale date in the report date range, grouped by membership type. Includes new memberships only. 
  • Lead Close Aging: The number and type of memberships sold in the report date range,  summarized by the lead created date. Use the "Drill Down" option here to sort the data by Membership Name, Origin, Salesperson, or Lead Source.
  • Membership Type by Origin: A heat map showing the most common origin and membership type combination. Darker blocks indicate a higher number of memberships that had a lead with that origin. 
  • Membership Type Distribution: The proportion of each membership type that was sold in the report date range. Includes new memberships only (not renewals, rewrites, or RFCs.)
  • Contacts Resulting in a Membership: The number of contacts made via scheduled follow up or direct contact prior to the membership being sold. 

Jump to: OverviewNew Leads | Scheduled Follow-Ups | Initial Contact | Traffic | Guests | Sales

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