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Lead Origin Report


The Lead Origin Report provides data about Prospect and Member accounts and their activity, organized by Origin (such as Walk-in or Telephone Inquiry). This report is filtered by date range, location, and employee.

Lead Origin Report Sample

Lead origin report sample

Reading the Lead Origin Report

This report displays all Prospect accounts created within the selected date range, including deleted accounts and Prospects that have since converted to Members. 

Unlike the New Prospect report, it includes accounts that were created in Club OS as well as accounts that were created via an external billing integration and synced to Club OS.

Lead Origin Report Fields

  • Origin
  • New Leads: All users (prospects and members) associated with each origin that have a created date within the date range of the report
  • Unscheduled Visit Events: The total number of Unscheduled Visits (walk-ins) associated with each source. (Includes events created via a club's integration, for users who never had a lead status in Club OS and were created as a Member - these events typically have a start time of 8:45 pm to differentiate them from other events.)
  • Appts Booked: The total number of Appointments associated with each origin that were scheduled to occur during the date range of the report
  • Appts Show: The total number of Appointment events associated with the origin with a 'Completed' status
  • Appts Show %: The percentage of Appointments that have been 'Completed' ("Appts Show" divided by "Appts Booked")
  • Traffic: The total of 'Unscheduled Visit Events' and 'Appts Show'
  • Closes: The total number of appointments that resulted in the sale of an agreement. 
  • Close %: The percentage of events (traffic) that resulted in a close.
  • Memb Units: The total number of Member Units that were sold to accounts with this Origin
  • Conversion % - Percentage of new leads who converted to a member.
  • Memb EFT: The total expected EFT amount associated with accounts with this Origin
  • Memb Down: The total Down Payment amount associated with accounts with this Origin
  • PT Sales: The total PT Payment amount associated with accounts with this Origin
  • New Revenue: The sum of Memb EFT, Memb Down, and PT Sales 


Learn more about accessing, filtering, and scheduling reports.

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