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Advanced Package Setup: Flexible, Multi-Service, and Unlimited Packages


Once you understand the basics of package setup, you can start to explore more advanced options, like creating flexible, multiservice, or unlimited packages. Watch the video or read below for examples of these package types.

Jump to: Flexible Packages | Multiservice Packages | Unlimited Packages

Flexible Packages

In a flexible package, you can offer a range of available units and pricing. This gives you room for discussion at the point of sale. For example, you could offer your client the option to train 1 to 3 times each week, and adjust the price per unit based on how often they come in. This way, you don’t have to create a new package for every possible variation, and you can choose from a range of options when you’re setting up an agreement for a client.

To do this, create a range in the Unit Price and Unit Price Min fields to set flexible pricing, and create a range in the Units/Bill Cycle fields to allow clients to choose a training schedule when they sign up.

To build a flexible package, navigate to My Club -> Package Setup -> Packages. If you would like to copy and modify a package you've already created, select the 'copy' icon next to it. Otherwise, click "Add Package".

add or copy package from the main Packages page

First, choose a location and add a name and (optional) description for your package. Then, select your term length and billing cycle (making sure to use either weeks or months for both, to avoid discrepancies between billing and scheduling).

 Use weeks or months for both

Unit Price and Unit Price Min: In the example below, the Unit Price (price per session) is 50 and the Unit Price Min is 35. When a salesperson is presenting this package to a client, they will be able to set the unit price at any amount within this range. This way, the price can be lowered if clients agree to train 2 or 3 times a week, or remain at 50 if they will only be doing one session a week.

The Unit Price will show up by default when preparing this package to sell to a client, but any price within the range will be available to choose from.

Units/Bill Cycle: For a flexible package, add a range of Units per Bill Cycle so that clients can choose their session frequency when they purchase the package.

  • Do this by entering different values for Units/Bill Cycle Min and Units/Bill Cycle Max
  • The value you set in Units/Bill Cycle will show up as the default for this package at the point of sale, but the salesperson can choose any value between the Min and Max. 
  • In this example, we have a 2-week billing cycle with a range of 2-6 units per billing cycle -- in other words, when your client purchases this package, they can decide to sign up for 1, 2, or 3 sessions each week. 

Range of units per bill cycle set from 2-6

Jump to: Flexible Packages | Multiservice Packages | Unlimited Packages

Multi-Service Packages

You can combine more than one service into a single package. Let’s say you want to offer your clients free group classes if they commit to 3 PT sessions a week. For this example, we will bundle a 60-Minute PT Session and a Boot Camp Class into a single package. We will also give this package a flexible term length so the term can be customized for individual clients at the point of sale.

First, select a location and give the package a descriptive name

Then, select your default (Term Length), minimum (Min Term), and maximum (Max Term) term lengths. The value you enter in Term Length will be the default, but any term length within the selected range will be available to choose from. For this example, the default term is set to 12 weeks, and the minimum term is set to 4 weeks. That would let you offer a shorter term to clients at the point of sale, if they’re not sure about the commitment.

A multiservice package with a term range from 4-12 weeks

Next, you will select the Member Services to add to this package. (Remember that you must select from the list of services available at your location. If you don't see the service you're expecting, make sure its location settings are correct.)

Package containing two member services

This example includes a Personal Training Service (PT60) and a Group Class Service (Boot Camp Class). The Boot Camp Class is being provided as a "free" add-on for clients who commit to 3 PT sessions a week. 

To accomplish this, we used the following settings for the two services:


  • Unit Price and Unit Price Min were left at the defaults created at the Member Service level
  • Units/Bill Cycle, Units/Bill Cycle Min and Units/Bill Cycle Max were all set at 3, since we want this package to be available only to clients who commit to 3 PT sessions per week.

Boot Camp Class:

  • Unit Price and Unit Price Min were changed to 0 since this is a "free" add-on for these clients
  • Units/Bill Cycle, Units/Bill Cycle Min and Units/Bill Cycle Max were all set at 5, since we offer one Boot Camp Class every weekday, so 5 is the maximum number of classes our client can use in each weekly billing cycle.

Jump to: Flexible Packages | Multiservice Packages | Unlimited Packages

Unlimited Packages/Fee Based Packages

Most packages charge clients per class and allow them a set number of classes each week or month. You can also set up unlimited packages to gives your clients access to as many classes or sessions as they want for a fixed price. You will do this by changing the Unit Price to 0 and adding a recurring Fee on the billing cycle to charge the client.

We refer to this as a Fee Based package because a recurring fee will be used to generate the needed amount. This is useful way to achieve a specific price point or a package that functions as an unlimited package. We'll walk you through an example.

Let’s set up a monthly unlimited Boot Camp package. As always, start by selecting your location and entering a descriptive name for the package.

Term: In unlimited packages, the term should always be greater than 1. You can enter a Term range using the Min/Max fields if you wish. Otherwise, enter the same value (at least 2) in Term Length, Min Term, and Max Term.

Term length settings for a monthly boot camp package set at 3

Billing Cycle: Remember to align your terms and billing cycle so that both are set up on either a monthly or weekly basis.

Next, you'll add the Member Service, and adjust the pricing structure to make this an unlimited package. 

First, set the Unit Price and Unit Price Min to 0, since you won't be charging for individual sessions.

Next is units per billing cycle. For an unlimited package, it’s best practice to make units, min units, and max units the same. Set this to a high number to ensure your clients don't run out of sessions. For example, if you offer a particular class once every weekday, it will be available 20 to 23 times a month -- and if you change the schedule, this amount could change. So, to be on the safe side, set all your Units/Bill Cycle fields to something like 100, to make sure your clients can use as many sessions as they want.

In the example below, the package is on a monthly billing cycle and releases 100 units to the client each month. This is more sessions than the client is likely to use, but it will prevent potential scheduling headaches.

Min and max units per billing cycle set at 100

The Fees section is used to set the price for an unlimited package. Make sure this is a recurring fee set on the billing cycle. In the example below, this package can be sold at any price from $249 - $299 (this will be determined at the point of sale), and clients will be charged the fee on a monthly basis.

Settings for unlimited package with a monthly fee

Feel free to try out different settings here as you figure out what will work best for your club. You can save packages in draft mode while you experiment, and this area of Club OS will not be visible to your clients. 

Visit the Training Management section of our Help Center for more resources.

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