While a web lead is in the AMPE’d workflow, any other automated or manual email or text communication to these leads/prospects should stop. Staff should only follow up with AMPE’d prospects when AMPE’d prompts them via email to do so, or once the prospect is out of the AMPE’d workflow. Do not send additional emails, phone calls, or texts other than what is recommended in the AMPE’d workflow.
To remove new AMPE’d leads that come into the Club OS Follow-Ups list:
1. From the Club OS dashboard, go to your Follow Ups window and work each category. As you reach ‘Web Lead’, ‘Appt No Show’ and ‘Active Guest’, you will need to filter out AMPE’d leads and override the follow up to a later date.
2. You can click on the lead’s name via the Follow Up Window or use the Search Bar at the top of the dashboard to find the prospect’s account to determine if they are an AMPE’d lead. If they are NOT an AMPE’d 7-Day PassWeb Lead, continue with your normal follow-up process.
3. If they ARE an AMPE’d lead/prospect, please refer to the below chart to manage these leads/prospects via their accounts.