Enhanced Email Builder: Build Your Email Template
The Club OS email builder's enhanced tools make it easier than ever to create beautiful and dynamic email content to be delivered by automatic or blast campaigns. Club admins have permission to create email templates and can also give the permission to other club staff if desired.
To create an email template, navigate to the Email Templates page from your Club OS Dashboard by hovering over the Marketing icon and selecting Campaign Templates.
Next, on the Email Templates page click the '+ NEW TEMPLATE' button on the top right corner of the page.
Drag and Drop Editor
After choosing to add a new template, you will be brought to the Drag and Drop Editor page. This is where you will easily add images, text boxes, videos, clickable buttons, and more into your email design. Let's get started on your template!
To Get Started on Your Email Template
1. Use the ROWS menu to structure your email - The ‘Rows’ menu enables you to select pre-made content rows to structure your email.
2. Use the CONTENT menu to create your email body- The ‘Content’ menu features seven content tiles ranging from Text and Images to HTML and Video. Drag and drop content tiles to the perfect place in your email body then add your text, image, or video.
TEXT - You can enter a TEXT tile anywhere that you would like to add a message in the email.
IMAGE - The image tile allows you to add pictures and logos from your computer, from external sources, or browse through over 500,000 free stock photos to choose from. Simply insert a search term like “fitness” or “birthday” and free stock photos will appear.
BUTTON - Use the button tile to insert a clickable link to external web pages, link documents, or your club’s phone number or email address to give recipients an easy way to contact you.
DIVIDER - The divider tile provides a clear marker between different sections of your email. Change the dividing lines width, color, or composition as needed.
SOCIAL - The social tile allows you to add icons for each of your club's social media platforms. Link your accounts directly to each button so your recipients can navigate to and follow your club.
VIDEO - Add a YouTube or Vimeo URL and a video preview will automatically be inserted. A custom play button is added to the image so your readers know it’s a video.
HTML - You can add custom code to your email using the HTML tile. It is recommended that you only use this content tile if you are familiar with HTML, as it can affect the message's rendering.
3. Use the SETTINGS panel to finish your template.
Set the content area width. Emails default to 500 pixels. We recommend setting it to 600 pixels for a clean look.
Set the background and content area colors. Add your brand’s colors, change the font and more. We recommend keeping it simple so that the email doesn’t become too busy.
4. Preview Your Template
Once the template is completed, use the preview button to review how it looks.
You can choose to view your email as desktop or mobile by clicking these icons on the top right corner of the Preview page.
5. Name your Template, Set Access, and Save
Template Complete!
You can access your template at any time to assign to an automatic or blast campaign.
When will we have access to this new email builder?
Very useful article , worth reading...