Vitals Report Basics:
The Vitals Report provides key KPI’s in one report. The report will give visibility to key metrics such as how the club’s membership and training programs are running without needing to pull and review multiple reports. For example, the report can be run ad hoc, or can be scheduled for recurring delivery on a daily or month-to-date basis, so that clear visibility into club performance is always readily accessible.
Important Notes: Reports in Club OS pull real-time data. This means the report will include all data up until the time the report is run. To ensure that the data matches as closely as possible when cross referencing other reports, you should pull the reports for the same date range and at the same time. This will help minimize possible data differences as both reports will include data from the same (or very close) date and time frame.
The Vitals Report can only be pulled for a location’s data. It will not be able to be pulled on an employee basis.
There are two sections of the new Vitals Report, the Fitness Consultation Management section and the PT Agreement Management section. Definitions for all KPI’s included in those sections are listed below. Each definition will indicate where you can reference that KPI in the Club OS Dashboard.
Fitness Consultation Management
- New Leads: All prospects who were created in the date range. This will match the New Prospect Report of the same time range. This metric can also be seen on the KPI dashboard as New Leads.
- Appointment Scheduled (Appt Scheduled): The number of appointments that were scheduled to occur during the time range. This metric can also be seen on the KPI dashboard as Appts Today.
- Appointment Show (Appt Show): The number of scheduled appointments that were marked Completed in Club OS. This metric can also be seen on the KPI dashboard as Appts Show.
- Appointment Show % (Appt Show %) = Appt Show / Appt Scheduled: The percent of scheduled appointments that were marked Completed in Club OS. This metric can also be seen on the KPI dashboard as Appts Show %.
- Unscheduled Visits: The number of walk-in events that were created. This metric can also be seen on the KPI dashboard as Unscheduled Visits.
- Total Tours = Appt Show + Unscheduled Visits: Represents the total amount of prospect traffic at the club.
- New Membership Agreements: The count of new membership agreements sold in the time period. This metric can also be seen on the KPI dashboard as Memb Units. Both the KPI and the report count a sale as an agreement with a sale date in the time range. Comp and PPV memberships are counted as sales. Note: Rewrites and renewals are not counted as new sales both in the Vitals Report and across all Club OS KPIs and reports.
- Membership Close % = New Membership Agreements with a corresponding Appointment Event / Total Tours: This metric can also be seen on the KPI dashboard as Close %. Please note that if a member has multiple memberships sold to them on the same day (even if done in error) the report will count each one as an individual membership sold, but as one closed event. Additionally, if a membership is sold that does not have a 'Salesperson' associated with it, it will not count towards the Membership Close % You can reference the 'Memberships Sold Report' for details on the memberships and assigned Salesperson.
- New Member Fitness Consultation (FC) Made @ POS: The number of Fitness Consultation events that were made on the same day as the member’s membership sale date. This metric can also be seen on the KPI dashboard as FCs Made POS.
- New Member Fitness Consultation (FC) Made @ POS % = FCs Made @ POS / New Membership Agreements: The percent of all new members who made their FC on the same date as their sale date. This metric can also be seen on the KPI dashboard as New Memb FCs Made POS%.
- Total Fitness Consultation (FC) Made: The total number of FCs created during the time period. This metric can also be seen on the KPI dashboard as FCs Made.
- Fitness Consultation (FC) Scheduled: The number of FCs that are on the calendar for the dates of the report. This metric can also be seen on the KPI dashboard as FCs Today.
- Fitness Consultation (FC) Show: The number of FCs that are on the calendar for the dates of the report that were marked Completed in Club OS. This metric can also be seen on the KPI dashboard as FCs Show.
- Fitness Consultation (FC) Show % = FC Show / FC Scheduled: The percent of scheduled FCs that were marked Completed in Club OS. There is no equivalent KPI for this stat.
- Fitness Consultation (FC) Sold: The number of FCs that were marked Completed, where the member purchased a PT agreement on the same date. This metric can also be seen on the KPI dashboard as FCs Closed.
- Fitness Consultation (FC) Sold % = FC Sold / FC Show: The percentage of fitness consultations that resulted in sales. There is no equivalent KPI for this stat.
PT Agreement Management
- New Personal Training (PT) Agreements: The number of PT agreements with a sale date in the report time range where the member has no previous PT agreements. This count excludes agreements that were sold with a Total Agreement Value of $0.00. To cross-check the data, look at the Package Sales Summary Report for the same date range, using Column V (Pre-existing PT Agreement Status) to determine if the agreement was a new agreement or not. Make sure to exclude agreements whose value is $0. Note: BodyWorkz agreements that were added to Club OS as Completed (and thus never billed in our system) are not considered previous agreements for the Vitals and Accrual Reports, but the notation of a previous agreement will show up in the Package Sales Summary Report.
- Renewal Personal Training (PT) Agreements: The number of PT agreements with a sale date in the report time range where the member has a previous PT agreement (this includes all agreement statuses). This count excludes agreements that were comped (i.e. they were sold for $0). See “New PT Agreements” for how to cross-check the data.
- Rewritten Personal Training (PT) Agreements: The number of rewritten PT agreements with a sale date in the report time range. This count excludes agreements that were comped (i.e. they were sold for $0). See “New PT Agreements” for how to cross-check the data.
- Total Personal Training (PT) Agreements = New PT Agreements + Renewal PT Agreements + Rewritten PT Agreements
- Total PT Agreement Discounts Applied: The total number of Personal Training Agreements that had a discount applied.
- New/Renewal Discounts Applied $: The amount by which PT agreements sold were discounted. Matches up to the Accrual Revenue Report’s sum of the Discount ($) value in the New Down Payment, Renew Down Payment, and Rewrite Down Payment sections.
- New/Renewal Down Discounts Applied $: The amount by which down payments on PT agreements sold were discounted. Matches up to the Accrual Revenue Report’s sum of the Discount ($) value in the New Down Payment and Renew Down Payment sections.
- New/Renewal Down Collected = The down payment amount collected from PT agreements sold. Matches up to the Accrual Revenue Report’s sum of new, renew, and rewrite down payments, refer to the following columns of the report: Cash/Check and Credit/ACH totals for New, Renew, Rewrite Down Payment.
- New/Renewal Average Down Collected = Total down payment amount / number of agreements sold from Package Sales Summary Report: The average down payment from among all agreements sold. The data can be cross checked from the Package Sales Summary Report by dividing the total down payment amount listed there but the number of agreements sold (includes agreements with no down payments and agreements for $0).
- New/Renewal Total Agreement Value: The total agreement value from new PT agreements sold during the time period, and the incremental value from PT agreements rewritten during the time period. Cross check with the Package Sales Summary Report’s Total Package Cost for new agreements sold, plus Net Cost of Rewrites.
- Rewrites – Positive Impact $: The sum of the increase in agreement value from agreements that were rewritten for an increased change in value. This data can be cross checked with the Package Sales Summary Report’s Agreement Value Change column for the Rewrites - All Event Types section, for all positive values.
- Rewrites – Negative Impact $: The sum of the decrease in agreement value from agreements that were rewritten for an decreased change in value. This data can be cross checked with the Package Sales Summary Report’s Agreement Value Change column for the Rewrites - All Event Types section, for all negative values.
- Credit/ACH Processed: Amount of credit/bank account payments collected in the report’s time range. Matches up to the Accrual Revenue Report’s sum of Credit/ACH Total.
- Cash/Check Collected: Amount of cash/check payments collected in the report’s time range. Matches up to the Accrual Revenue Report’s sum of Cash/Check Total.
- Total Collected = The money the club has collected from training clients. Refunds are deducted from this total. Total amount collected from down payments, recurring payments and cancellation fees minus the refunds.
- New/Renewal $ Added to Next Month's Draft: This is the amount projected to be collected for next month from new and renewal PT agreements sold so far this month. Any purchased credit on their drafts will not be included in this number since that money has already been collected. (Note on historical data: This field will not be accurate for historical data. It will only be accurate when the report is run MTD.)
- Rewrites Net $ Change to Next Month's Draft: This is the net change in money projected to be collected next month from agreements that were rewritten during the report’s date range. For example, if a member's monthly payment was rewritten within the report’s date range to increase from $50 to $60, there would be a value of $10 added to this field). (Note on historical data: This field will not be accurate for historical data. It will only be accurate when the report is run MTD.)
- Recurring Invoices Paid Count = Accrual Revenue Report: Count of invoices in Recurring Payment detail section: This is the count of recurring payments paid in the report’s time range. It matches up to the Accrual Revenue Report’s count of rows in the Recurring Payment detail section. Count does not include down payments, cancellation fees or refunds.
- Recurring Invoices Paid $ = Accrual Revenue Report: Sum of invoices in Recurring Payment detail section: This is the amount of recurring payments paid in the report’s time range. Matches up to the Accrual Revenue Report’s sum of Recurring Payments. Amount does not include down payments, cancellation fees or refunds.
- Unpaid Invoices Count (Excluding Write-Offs): This is the count of unpaid invoices excluding write offs (e.g. past-due cash/check, failed EFT/Credit invoices that are on attempts 1 or 2, failed EFT/Credit invoices that are delinquent, and chargebacks). Invoices that failed on the last day of the range of the report will not be included in the count for this KPI. (Note on historical data: This field will not be accurate for historical data. It will only be accurate when the report is run MTD.)
- Unpaid Invoices $ (Excluding Write-Offs): This is the amount of unpaid invoices excluding write offs (e.g. past-due cash/check, failed EFT/Credit invoices that are on attempts 1 or 2, failed EFT/Credit invoices that are delinquent, and chargebacks). Invoices that failed on the last day of the range of the report will not be included in the amount for this KPI. (Note on historical data: This field will not be accurate for historical data. It will only be accurate when the report is run MTD.)
- This Month Remaining Draft = Projections Report: Col L + Col M: This is the amount of money projected to be collected for the rest of the current month. Matches up to the total of Columns L and M (Date Range Contractual + Date Range Auto-Renew) of the Projections Report when you run the report for tomorrow’s date through the end of the month. For example: if today is 3/15, I should run the projections report for 3/16 to 3/31. It does not include the Pending Collection amount from the report as that amount is already captured in the Unpaid Invoices $ field in the Vitals Report itself. (Note on historical data: This field will not be accurate for historical data. It will only be accurate when the report is run MTD.)
- Next Month Expected Draft = Projections Report: Col L + Col M: This is the amount of money projected to be collected for the next month. Matches up to the total of Columns L and M (Date Range Contractual + Date Range Auto-Renew) of the Projections Report when you run the report for next month. For example: if today is 3/15, I should run the projections report for 4/1 to 4/30. It does not include the Pending Collection amount from the report as that amount is already captured in the Unpaid Invoices $ field in the Vitals Report itself. (Note on historical data: This field will not be accurate for historical data. It will only be accurate when the report is run MTD.)
This is a great improvement for the vitals report! I appreciate the update and improvements to this report. However, as a suggestion for the next revision, we can't really use the existing "Credit/ACH Processed" and "Cash/Check Collected" numbers. We need to be able to see these numbers broken out... "Credit", "ACH", "Check", and "Cash". As it is, we need to look elsewhere to be able to split these numbers out. Thanks again for continuing to make Club OS better!
... What John said, Thanks Club Os!!