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Studio Follow-Up Status Definitions


The Club OS Studio configuration offers 15 Follow-Up Statuses customized to studio Clients. These statuses are set by the system, based on a Client’s activity, and will determine the Follow-Ups to be conducted with each client.

Standard Studio Follow-Up Statuses

This list is in descending order. If a Client qualifies for multiple statuses, the last one listed will apply.

Follow-up Status

How It’s Used

How A Client Ends Up In This Status


Used to engage with all non-web leads that have not further engaged with the studio

The Prospect was added manually through Club OS, and origin is neither Web Lead or Referral

Web Lead

Used to engage with all leads that submitted interest through the web but have not further engaged with the studio

The Prospect was added manually through Club OS with an origin of Web Lead (not available by default)


Used to engage with referrals

The Prospect was added manually through Club OS, with an origin of Referral

Trial Booked

Used to engage with Clients that have a trial class Contract, such as a free week or discounted trial month

The Prospect made a trial purchase (either a Contract or a non-Contract), has a calendar event scheduled for today or in the future, and the event attendee status is Active or Confirmed

Trial No Show

Used to engage members that had a trial class Contract but did not use it

The Prospect made a trial purchase (either a Contract or a non-Contract) and has a past calendar event with an attendee status of Active, Confirmed, or No Show

Trial Show - No Sale

Used to engage members that used a trial class Contract but did not end up purchasing

The Prospect made a trial purchase (either a Contract or a non-Contract) and has a past calendar event with an attendee status of Completed


Used to engage with all Clients in good standing that do not meet any of the below criteria

Users are put in the Active Client status if any of the following conditions apply:

  1. They purchased a service Contract, renewing or paid in full, and the Contract is in good standing (active, not suspended, with no past-due balance) and have more sessions available than the sessions available threshold
  2. They made a non-Contract purchase and have more sessions available than the sessions available threshold.
  3. They were manually converted to a Member
  4. Client has purchased a new package within the past X days (low usage threshold), even if they haven’t attended a session yet


Used to engage with Clients that made a drop-in or one-time purchase with a studio

The Client has purchased a service without committing to a long-term or auto-renew Contract, the purchase was for a quantity of 1, and they have 0 sessions available

Client - Renewal Opportunity

Used to engage with Clients that have a remaining session balance that suggests they should renew soon. This is determined by the Studio Session Opportunity Limit (default: 2 sessions).

Users are put into this status if they meet the criteria for either:

  1. They purchased a service Contract, renewing or paid in full; the Contract is in good standing (active, not suspended, with no past-due balance); and they have fewer or equal sessions available than the sessions available threshold
  2. They made a non-Contract purchase, with either a quantity greater than 1 or a quantity of 1 and 1 or more sessions are available, and they have fewer or equal sessions available than the sessions available threshold

Client - Low Usage

Used to engage with Clients that have not used their membership in a certain period of time. Determined by the Low Usage Limit (default: 21 days).

The Client purchased a Contract or a non-Contract but hasn’t completed a training event within the club’s low-usage threshold

Client - Suspended

Used to engage with Clients that have a suspended membership (i.e. membership is being paused)

The Client has an active Contract and the Contract status is “suspended”

Client - Delinquent

Used to engage with Clients that are delinquent on their membership payment

The Client has an active Contract with a past-due balance greater than 0

Client - Contract Ending

Used to engage with Clients that have a membership Contract ending in a certain period of time. Determined by the Contract-Ending Threshold (default: 14 days).

The Client has an active Contract with an end date that falls within the Contract end-date threshold

Inactive Client - Expired

Used to engage with Clients that are currently on an expired membership Contract

The Client has an inactive service Contract with an alert of “Expired”

Inactive Client - Canceled

Used to engage with Clients that canceled their membership Contract

The Client has an inactive service Contract with an alert of “Canceled”

Additional Studio Follow-up Statuses

These are not available by default. They apply if your studio has enabled the Appointment event type and is booking Appointments in Club OS.

  • Appointment Booked
  • Appointment Booked - No Show
  • Appointment Show - No Sale
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