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Club OS Basics



Club OS Basics is a nine-part video tutorial series covering important system features and workflows. It's designed as a resource to train or retrain club staff on the software. This series was built for ABC integrated clubs and contains some information not relevant to Club OS users with alternative integrations. The videos are linked below in order. 


1. Club OS Intro: 

This video covers logging in, accessing the Help Center, and contacting our Helpdesk team.


2. Lead Entry Pt. 1 - Digital Guest Waiver: 

This video covers locating and using the Digital Guest Waiver for the purposes of creating a prospect account for someone that is physically present at your establishment. This includes leads who scheduled appointments in advance, new walk-ins, and repeat walk-ins.


3. Lead Entry Pt. 2 - Add New Lead Form: 

This video covers locating and using the Add New Lead Form for the purposes of creating a prospect account for certain individuals that are not physically present at your establishment. This includes leads identified via telephone inquiries, outreach events, and marketing programs.


4. Lead Entry Pt. 3 - Web Leads & Referrals:

This video covers how web leads and referrals can be created in Club OS as well as how to distinguish follow-ups for those accounts from others. Web leads and referrals may also be created via Club OS forms similar to the Digital Guest Waiver. 


5. Follow-Ups:

This video covers how to locate and manage follow-ups from within the Dashboard as well as how to complete email, text, or call follow-ups from within the Follow-Up Window.


6. Setting Calendar Availability: 

This video covers how to access and edit the Availability feature of the Calendar. This includes setting up Availability options for a regular week as well as specific weeks of the year.


7. Calendar:

This video covers how to access and manage the Calendar. This includes best practices for adding new events as well as the various ways to finalize existing events.


8. Email Marketing - Automatic Email Campaigns:

This video covers how to build, activate, and pull reports for automatic email campaigns. Automatic campaigns are ongoing, automated email campaigns that work independently once activated. 


9. Email Marketing - Blast Email Campaigns:

This video covers how to build, schedule, and pull reports for blast email campaigns. Blast campaigns are one-time, mass email campaigns sent to specified recipient groups.





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    Lisa Stafford

    Thanks. Very helpful