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Location Defaults


Location Defaults allows you to assign default employee accounts to follow-ups and email campaigns and notifications. 

These settings can be located (and changed) under My Club -> Location Settings on the Location Defaults tab.

Location Default Accounts | Location Send From Name | Location Campaign Email Addresses | Location Other Email Addresses

Location Default Accounts

These employees will be assigned to follow up with Prospects and Members according to your club's regular Follow-Up Schedule. (Prospects and members can always be assigned or transferred to different employees as needed -- Location Defaults ensure they always have a Follow-Up person if nobody specific is assigned.)

If you select an employee without an email address, "No Email" will appear next to their name.



  • Member Sales: The default employee responsible for following up with Prospects. This account is automatically assigned to follow up with Web Leads.
  • Member Support: The default employee responsible for following up with Members. 
    • When a Prospect purchases a membership, the Member Support employee will automatically override the employee that was originally responsible for that Member’s Membership Follow-Up. To prevent this override, leave this field blank.
  • PT Sales: The default employee responsible for following up with Members per their PT Follow-Up Schedule.
    • The PT Sales employee will automatically override the employee that was originally responsible for a Member’s PT Follow-Up. To prevent this override, leave this field blank.
  • PT Support: The default employee responsible for following up with PT Members. 
    • When a Member purchases a PT agreement, the PT Support employee will automatically override the employee that was originally responsible for that Member’s PT Follow-Up. To prevent this override, leave this field blank.

Location Send From Name

This allows you to decide what will show up as the "Sent From" in any emails that are sent from your club in Club OS (including Follow-ups and Direct Contacts). If you leave this field blank, the "send from" on individual emails will display as the person who sent them.

Location Campaign Email Addresses

This section allows you to assign email addresses for "Sent From" and "Reply To" for your marketing campaigns. When you create email campaigns, you'll be able to choose from Campaign Email 1 or Campaign Email 2 as your "Send From" option. 

  • From Name: This field will display to email recipients as the sender of the campaign.
  • Reply To Email: The email address that will receive responses if a recipient replies to the ampaign

Location Other Email Addresses

Use this section to decide where notifications should be sent when your club receives a new web lead  when guest passes are set to expire. 

Choose the email of someone who will be able to review and respond to these notifications as needed. Club OS will verify that this email address is valid before it can be saved.

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