Email Campaigns allow club staff to construct personalized emails that can be sent to a wide, specified audience simultaneously. For this reason, campaigns can serve a variety of functions such as offering each Expired Guest a limited-time discount on memberships or wishing each individual a ‘Happy Birthday’.
Email Campaigns can be set to send either automatically or at 8:15 AM (EST) on a specific date. To confirm that a past campaign’s email was sent, access the club’s Campaign History page (located within the Marketing tab).
A list of the campaigns that were sent within the current month will appear.
To locate the intended campaign, adjust the two filters located in the top-right corner of the screen.
These filters include:
- Date Dropdown Menu: Allows staff to display every campaign that was created within a specific month.
Note: By default, this filter will always be set for the present month. - Location Dropdown Menu: Allows staff to display every campaign that was created by a specific (or all) club location(s). This filter will only appear for users with access to multiple locations. Note: By default, this filter will always be set to the user’s default location.
Adjust the filters to find the intended campaign. If the campaign does not appear on the page of the month in which it was set to send, then the campaign was never activated and, therefore, no emails were sent. To discover which factors might cause a campaign not to activate, click here.
If it is revealed that fewer emails were sent than the campaign's Approximate Recipient Counter predicted, click here to discover the potential causes of recipient discrepancy .