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Who Has Permission to Override Membership or PT Follow-Ups?


By overriding a follow-up action, an employee suspends a Prospect or Member’s follow-up contact until a specified date. Often, this occurs after an employee happens to make contact with the Prospect or Members outside of the club’s set follow-up schedule. However, due to a follow-up’s value, not every employee is allowed to perform an override.

Arranged, below, are the lists of staff positions that possess the authority to override either a Membership or PT Follow-Up, respectively.


Membership Follow-Up

  • Club Admins
  • Location Managers
  • Assigned Membership Follow-Up Employees
  • Front Desk
         -This occurs only in cases where Front Desk staff can access the Prospect’s account.


PT Follow-Up

  • Club Admins
  • Location Managers
  • Assigned PT Follow-Up Employees
  • Assigned Trainers
  • Front Desk
           -This occurs only in cases where Front Desk staff can access the Member’s account.
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