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Accrual Revenue Report


The Accrual Revenue Report lists revenue from transactions with a 'Success' or 'Pending Success' status from ABC. This report can be filtered by date range, location, and employee. 

Reading the Accrual Revenue Report

Paid Invoices: The Accrual Revenue Report adjusts its data as invoice status changes. Once an invoice is settled and paid, it will always appear as 'Paid' on the Accrual Revenue Report.

Example: On 8/30, Micah’s invoice possessed a ‘Pending’ status. On 9/2, Micah’s invoice settled -shifting its status to ‘Paid’. As a result, Micah’s invoice’s status will now always appear as 'Paid' on the Accrual Revenue Report.

Refunds: When a paid invoice is later refunded, a new invoice is generated for the refund and appears separately in the report with its own invoice number and the value of the original invoice (in the 'Total ($)' column) becomes negative. The original invoice's number will appear with the refund invoice in the Refund Invoice Number column. These invoices only appear on reports for the date(s) they were created.

Example: Oliver’s initial invoice was marked as paid on 2/1. A refund was issued on 3/1. At the end of March, you decide to review the reports by month. Your February Accrual Revenue Report does not include Oliver's refund invoice, but it does include a negative value and a Refund Invoice Number for the original transaction. Your March Accrual Revenue Report shows Oliver's refund, but not the original invoice. However, if you generated a report for the date range 2/1 - 3/31, you would see both invoices.

Chargebacks/Returns: These will only appear on a report containing the the original paid invoice.

Example: Candice’s initial invoice billed on 11/20. Her bank issued a Chargeback on 12/2. November's Accrual Revenue Report will display the Chargeback invoice, but the December report will not.

Sample Accrual Revenue Report


Total Revenue by Payment Type

The summary table at the top of the report lists the amount of new Charges, Refunds, and Chargeback/Returns by payment type (Cash/Check or Credit/ACH). The 'Total($)' column on the right lists the total revenue accrued in each category (new Charges minus Refunds and Chargebacks).

Payment Type table

  • New Down Payment: Down payments on new Agreements (first-time Members) 
  • Renew Down Payment: Down payments from returning PT Clients purchasing another agreement
  • Rewrite Down Payment: Down payments from Members rewriting their Agreements
  • Recurring: Recurring payments from new, renewed, and rewritten Agreements
  • Cancellation: Cancellation fees collected
  • Total

Total Revenue by Payment Status

Payment Status table

  • Total Pending Revenue: Invoices that are not yet settled
  • Total Not Paid Revenue: Invoices that are unpaid (for example, in the event of a chargeback)
  • Total Paid Revenue: Invoices that have been successfully paid. This does not include refunded revenue.

New Down Payment, Renew Down Payment, Rewrite Down Payment, Recurring Payment, Cancellation Payment

Below the Payment Type and Payment Status tables, each category is listed separately. You can view the details of all invoices in the New Down Payment, Renew Down Payment, Recurring Payment, and Cancellation categories.


  • Invoice Date: The date the invoice is set to bill. It is possible for the Invoice and Attempt Dates to be identical.
  • Attempt Date: For Cash/Check transactions, this is the date that club staff took payment and marked it as received in the system. For Credit/ACH transactions, this is the date the transaction was sent to ABC.  
  • Invoice Number: The invoice’s identification number.
  • Member Name
  • Agreement Name
  • Member Services: The Member Service(s) attached to the invoice. If there are multiple Member Services on this invoice, they will be listed and separated by a comma.
  • Salesperson: The employee who sold the Member their package.
  • Member Service ($): The Unit Price of the Member Service(s)
  • Fees ($): Additional fees, if applicable
  • Subtotal ($): The pre-tax cost of the invoice (Service costs + Fees)
  • Discount ($): The amount of the discount on the invoice, if applicable (Coming April 2021)
  • Tax ($): Tax added, if applicable
  • Total ($): Subtotal minus discount and plus tax. Refunded totals appear as a negative number.
  • Invoice Type: Can be either Recurring, Integration, Cancellation, or Down Payment.
  • Billing Type: 'Pay Now' invoices are manually collected and recorded. 'Auto-Billing' are automated Credit/ACH transactions.
  • Payment Profile: Cash, Credit Card, Checking, or Savings
  • Status'Pending', 'Paid', or 'Not Paid'. Displays as 'Pending' by default. Once an invoice is settled, its status is 'Paid'. (In the case of a refund, the original invoice and the associated refund invoice will both display as 'Paid'.)
  • Refund Invoice Number: Remains blank except in the case of a refund. If a paid invoice is refunded, it is assigned an identification number that appears in this column.


Learn more about accessing, filtering, and scheduling reports.

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