This report identifies club members who have remaining (unused and unexpired) units in their service package agreements.
Sample Employee Active Client Report
How to Read the Employee Active Client Report
If ‘All Locations’ is selected when the report is generated, the data for each location will appear on a separate tab.
Members are organized into sections according to their assigned trainer. (Members assigned to more than one trainer may appear in multiple sections.) Each service package agreement with remaining units appears on a separate row. If a member has more than one agreement with remaining units, each agreement will be listed separately.
The ‘Unassigned PT Clients’ section at the bottom of the report lists members who have remaining available units and are not currently assigned to a trainer. This helps clubs identify and assign a trainer to every member with remaining units.
Employee Active Client Report Fields
- Last Name
- First Name
- Cell Phone
- Work Phone
- Birthdate: The member's birthday, if on file
- Last Session: The most recent event or session conducted with the member.
- Next Session: The next scheduled session for this member. ‘Not Scheduled’ will appear if a next session has not been scheduled.
- Last Measurement: The date of the last measurement performed for the member. 'Never' will appear if no measurement has been taken.
- Agreement Name
- Agreement Type: This column helps you distinguish between multiple versions of an agreement in the case of a rewritten agreement.
- Original = The original agreement sold to the member
- Rewritten = A rewritten agreement from the original
- Agreement Status: The current status of the agreement. (This report pulls all agreements with remaining units regardless of status, and will include agreements that are ‘Frozen’, ‘Canceled’, or ‘Completed’.)
- Member Service: The type of service included in the agreement.
- Renew Type: How the agreement is set to renew or not renew once its original term expires.
- Remaining Units
- Unit Expiration: The expiration date for the remaining units in the agreement. (The earliest date will always display here. For example, if a client has unused sessions that expire on 12/15/2020 and 1/1/2021, the report will show 12/15/2020.)
Learn more about accessing, filtering, and scheduling reports.