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How Do I Set Up a Payment Profile?


The ‘Payment Profile’ determines the method through which the Member will pay each invoice.



Three methods of payment are possible:

  1. Cash/Check - Invoices are paid in-person at the club location.

  2. Credit/Debit Card - Invoices are paid via drafts from the Member’s credit card.

  3. Bank Account - Invoices are paid via drafts from either the Member’s checking or savings account.

Note: By selecting ‘Cash/Check’, a Member is not prohibited from paying invoices via credit or debit payments so long as the club is equipped with a credit card terminal. Rather, the label ‘Cash/Check’ signifies that the Member is paying their invoice in-person, within the club’s physical location.

By default, Club OS will already offer the Member the Cash/Check option. If the Member wishes to set up a profile for payment via Credit/Debit Card or Bank Account, see the steps provided below: 


How to Set Up a Payment Profile


First, select the ‘Add New Payment Profile’ button.


> 'Add New Payment Profile'


Automatically, the Add New Payment Profile pop-up window will appear, containing ABC Financial's PCI-compliant billing portal. This portal allows club staff to bypass Club OS' servers and insert a member's billing data within ABC's system, directly.


Select the desired Account Type (either 'Credit/Debit Card' or 'Bank Account') from the Account Type section.

> Select Account Type


Either option ('Credit/Debit Card' or 'Bank Account') will generate their own page, complete with their own unique, required fields:

A. If Selecting Credit/Debit Card: All fields are required (except for 'Street 2'),

Note: ABC Financial will verify the validity of each field (except for 'Account Number') prior to the page's submission.      


B. If Selecting Bank Account: All fields are required (except for 'Street 2').

Note: ABC Financial will verify the validity of each field (except for 'Account Number') prior to the page's submission.


Upon completion, click ‘OK.


> Required Information > ‘OK’


Upon submission, ABC Financial will instantly verify the member's account number. In the event that the member's account number proves valid, Club OS will post the following banner on the user's screen:


However, if the account number proves invalid, an alternative banner will appear, tailored toward that payment profile's specific account type:

A. If a 'Credit/Debit Card' Account Type:


B. If a 'Bank Account' Account Type:


On the occasion that an invalid banner appears, return to the 'Add a New Payment Profile' page and re-enter the proper account information. If the member's account number is repeatedly denied, try entering an alternative account number for that member (if possible). If all else fails, contact ABC Financial.

> 'Add a New Payment Profile' (Potentially)

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