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The Commission Report: Frequently Asked Questions


Comprehending the intricacies of how the Commission Report works can seem like an intimidating task. In an effort to aid understanding, this article answers the complex questions most frequently asked of Club OS.

Note: Each answer is provided within the context of a club employing a bi-monthly payroll, whose two pay periods are the 1st-15th and the 16th-31st. Though other clubs’ pay periods may differ, the logic remains the same.


Q: "How Do I Make Sales Commission Appear on the Commission Report?"

A:  When creating packages, always complete the Commission Report Setup section (located
      within Package Setup’s ‘Pay Period Amin’ tab). 
Be sure to distinguish which revenue
      stream the commission will draw from and click ‘Save’.



Q: “If, on the 15th of the month, a Trainer completes a session that is not funded until   
     the 19th, when will the Trainer receive their commission?”

A:  In this instance, the Trainer would be paid their commission during the club’s
     16th-31st pay period.

Q: “How would this appear on the Commission Report?”

A:  Due to the session’s completion on the 15th, the event will appear as an item on the
     1st-15th Commission Report with the specifications:

  • its row will be highlighted in red (for ‘Not Funded’)
  • its “Chargeable?” column will be occupied by an ‘N’ (for ‘Non-Commissionable’)
  • its “Total Pay” column will say ‘$0.00’.

        Due to the session’s funding on the 19th, the event will also appear as an item on   
        the 16th-31st Commission Report -this time with the speculations:

  • its row will be highlighted in either white (for ‘Paid and Validated’) or yellow (for ‘Not Validated’)
  • its “Validated By” column will say ‘Via Check In’
  • its “Funded Date” column will say the 19th.


Q: “If, on the 16th of the month, a Trainer retroactively adds a forgotten service to an
     appointment that occurred on the 13th, when will the Trainer receive their   

A:  In this instance, the Trainer would be paid their commission during the club’s
     16th-31st pay period.

Q: “How would this appear on the Commission Report?”

A:  Due to the session’s completion on the 13th, the event will appear as an item on the
     1st-15th Commission Report with the speculations:

  • its row will be highlighted in red (for ‘Not Funded’)
  • its “”Chargeable?” column will be occupied by an ‘N’ (for ‘Non-Commissionable’)
  • its “Total Pay” column will say ‘$0.00’
  • its “Member Service Name” column will appear blank

     Due to the session’s service being added on the 16th, the event will also appear  
     as an item on the 16th-31st Commission Report -this time with the speculations:

  • its row will be highlighted in either white (for ‘Paid and Validated’) or yellow (for ‘Not Validated’)
  • its “Validated By” column will say ‘Via Check In’
  • its “Funded Date” column will say the 16th
  • its “Member Service Name” column will display a member service


Q: “If a Member’s appointment is not validated via key fob, what must a Trainer do to   
     guarantee their commission?”

A:  Here, the Trainer has two options:

  • The Trainer can ask the Member to return to the front desk to check in using their key fob.
  • The Trainer can manually set the Member’s session to ‘Complete’ from inside the calendar event.


Q: “If an event that occurred on the 1st is deleted on the 17th (after the Trainer has
     been paid), how is that Trainer’s commission now affected?

A:  The price of the deleted event’s commission will be subtracted from that Trainer’s   
     next payroll.

Q: “How would this appear on the Commission Report?’

A:  Due to the session’s completion on the 1st, the event will appear as an item on the
     1st-15th Commission Report with the specifications:

  • its row will be highlighted in either white (for ‘Paid and Validated’) or yellow (for ‘Not Validated)
  • its “Validated By” column will say ‘Via Check In’
  • its “Funded Date” column will say the 1st

      Due to the session’s deletion on the 17th, the event will also appear as an item on
      the 16th -31st Commission Report -this time with the specifications:

  • a ‘(D)’ (for ‘Deleted’) will appear alongside the Member’s name inside the “Member Name” column
  • its “Total Pay” column will display the cost of the Trainer’s deleted commission.


Q: “If an appointment that is set to occur on the 3rd is deleted on the 4th, how is that
     Trainer’s commission affected?”

A:  Because the event’s deletion occurred prior to the Trainer’s payment (on the 16th),   
     the Trainer will not receive commission for that event.

Q: “How would this appear on the Commission Report?”

A:  How this is represented in the Commission Report depends on which status the
     session was set to prior to its deletion.

     If the Session Was Set to a Completed Status: The event will appear as an item on
     the 1st-15th Commission Report. Next to the Member’s name will be a ‘(D)’ (for

     If the Session Was Not Set to a Completed Status: The event will not appear in the
      Commission Report.


Q: “If a Member requests a refund after using a portion of their scheduled sessions,  
     what are a club’s refunding options? How is the Trainer’s commission affected?

A:   A club can refund sessions in one of four ways:

  • Partial Refund: The club refunds only the Member’s unused sessions. The Trainer’s commission will, then, come strictly from completed events.

  • Total Refund: The club refunds the entirety of the Member’s package (both used and unused sessions). Here, the Trainer still receives their full commission on the condition that the services are not deleted from their completed events.

  • Suspended Sessions: If a Member’s request is discovered to stem from a current inability to pay their invoice, a session can be suspended by, first, deleting its member service(s) temporarily before refunding the invoice. Though this will save the Trainer’s full commission, the Trainer will not be paid until the member service(s) are eventually restored.

  • Exchanged Sessions: If the Member has additional invoices that contain currently unused inventory for the same member service(s), Club OS will exchange the first invoice’s complete sessions for other invoices’ unused ones. In this, the Trainer’s commission remains paid in full.


Q: “How is a Bodyworkz Member’s future appointments affected if their Trainer quits?”

A:  In every case, two actions need to occur before a club deletes a Trainer’s account:

  • Each of the Trainer’s members need to be reassigned.

  • Each of the Trainer’s follow-ups need to be transferred.

     Events can either be deleted or reassigned from within the old Trainer’s calendar. If
     only a few appointments are found, this change can be done manually. If, instead,
     many exist, help from Club OS staff may be required.


Q: “What are the three statuses that ‘completes’ an event?”

A: ‘Completed (Validated)’, ‘No Show Charge’, and ‘Canceled Charge’.

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