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How Do I Set, Edit, or Delete an Agreement's Freeze?


Topic: To demonstrate the ways in which both active and future freeze agreements can be edited.

Purpose: On occasion, a Member will freeze their agreement when needing to take a temporary leave from their club. (This can be for vacation, job relocation, hospitalization, etc.) Freezing an agreement prevents, both, a Member's scheduled invoices and their time-sensitive sessions from generating. Whereas 'Future Freeze' refers to an account scheduled to freeze in the future, 'Active Freeze' signifies an agreement currently frozen, waiting to be re-instated. This article aims to illustrate the simple process of editing both active and future freeze agreements.

Accessing the Agreeement

To access a specific Member's agreement, enter their Club OS profile and click 'Club Info'.


Next, click 'Club Services'.


Lastly, locate and click the Member's agreement to either add, edit, or delete its freeze.


A. How To Freeze An Agreement:

Step #1:

Beginning at the Member's Club Service page, locate the Service Agreement that they wish to freeze.


Upon finding it, click its Edit icon.


> Service Agreement > Edit

Step #2:

Click 'Agreement Actions', then 'Freeze Agreement' from the dropdown menu.


> 'Agreement Actions' > 'Freeze Agreement'

Step #3:

The Freeze Agreement page appears.


In selecting a Member's Start Date, staff can choose any date from the calendar so long as it falls at least one day after the present date. (Note: This stipulation prevents clubs from attempting to freeze an agreement on the same day in which an invoice is issued.) Furthermore, a Start Date can not be set for a date that falls after the agreement has already expired. However, a Start Date can be set for an agreement that has yet to initiate.


In selecting a Member's End Date, staff is once again able to choose any date from the calendar so long as it occurs at least one day after the Start Date and encompasses at least one billing date (characterized by a black triangle containing a dollar sign).


Note: As long as a 'Future Freeze' has not yet approached the present date (making it 'active' status), it is still possible for staff to edit or delete the scheduled freeze entirely. For example, if a freeze is set for April 20th, then that agreement is editable up through April 19th.

Upon completion, the 'Save Freeze' button will brighten -allowing the user to now set the agreement's freeze schedule. Click the button. Between the agreement's Start and End Dates, now, its originally scheduled invoices will not generate -thus preventing the release of those invoices' time-sensitive sessions.


Note: No calendar event that was previously set to occur during the freeze will disappear from Club OS' calendar unless it is removed manually by the club's staff.

> 'Save Freeze'

Step #4:

To verify that the freeze has been scheduled, look to the Agreement's status to see if the future freeze dates are now included.


> Agreement Page

B. How to Edit a Frozen Agreement

Step #1:

Beginning at the Member's Club Service page, locate the Service Agreement whose freeze the Members wishes to edit.


Upon finding it, click its Edit icon.


> Service Agreement > Edit

Step #2:

Click 'Agreement Actions', then 'Freeze Agreement' from the dropdown menu.


> 'Agreement Actions' > 'Freeze Agreement'

Step #3:

The Edit Freeze Agreement page appears.


If the freeze has yet to initiate, then the agreement's Start and End Date can still both be edited. Once an Active Freeze's Start Date has passed, it can not be altered. However, its End Date can still be edited as long as its date falls after, both, the Start Date and the present date. An End Date can not be reset to occur any later than one day prior to the final billing date that was originally suspended by the freeze. This will automatically charge the Member's final, frozen invoice -an act that will release the Member's new sessions when the invoice is paid. This allows the Member to immediately return to using the club rather than waiting for their next invoice to naturally generate.

Note: This automatically generated invoice will appear as 'past due' and will attempt to auto-draft every day for the next three days if not immediately paid. As a safeguard, the below banner will appear if ever a premature date is picked.


Upon completion, click 'Save Freeze'.


> 'Save Freeze'

Step #4:

To verify if the End Date has, in fact, been edited, look to the Agreement's status to see if it includes the newly edited date.


Note: To observe whether/when an agreement was was previously frozen, users may refer to, either, the location's Frozen Agreement Report or the agreement's Invoice Information section.

> Agreement Page

C. How to Delete an Agreement's Freeze

If the freeze has yet to initiate, then the agreement's Start and End Date can still be deleted. If the agreement's freeze has already initiated, then deleting the freeze is no longer an option.

Step #1:

Beginning at the Member's Club Service page, locate the Service Agreement whose freeze the Members wishes to delete.


Upon finding it, click its Edit icon.


> Service Agreement > Edit

Step #2:

Click 'Agreement Actions', then 'Freeze Agreement' from the dropdown menu.


> 'Agreement Actions' > 'Freeze Agreement'

Step #3:

The Edit Freeze Agreement page appears.


Click 'Delete Freeze'. (Note: If the agreement's freeze has already initiated, then 'Delete Freeze' will no longer provide itself as an option.)


> 'Delete Freeze'

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