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The Session Count Screen [Breakdown]


The Session Count Screen illustrates the present state of units [inventory] within a member service agreement. This is useful for club staff seeking to assess event funding, unit [inventory] availability, etc.

A. How to Access the Session Count Screen

Provided, below, is the Member Service Agreements section as seen on the Club Settings page.

Inside is a list of each package that the Member has purchased. To expand and view the details of a particular package, first click the ‘+’ found to the left of that package’s title.



Suddenly that package’s Units and Invoice sections will appear.


B. How to Read the Session Count Screen 

  • Service: Displays the Member Service to which the subsequent units [inventory] are attached.

  • Total Units: Displays the total number of units contained within the purchased agreement. (Ex. Total Units = Paid Invoices + Comped Invoices + Unpaid Invoices + Delinquent Invoices) Provided within the parenthesis is the total number of units that have been made available through paid or comped invoices.

    Note: This column excludes units from voided or refunded invoices as these units are unusable. Similarly, if an invoice is ever charged back, each subsequent invoice will be suspended until that chargeback is paid.

  • Remaining Units: Displays the total number of available units that have yet to be attached to a completed event. (Ex. Remaining Units = Total Units - Completed Units - Expired Units) Provided within the parenthesis is the total number of Remaining Units that have been made available through paid or comped invoice. (Ex. Remaining Funded Units = Total Funded Units - Completed Funded Units - Expired Units) If the Member has used up all of their purchased sessions or more, this number will be zero.

         Note: By clicking this column's provided blue hyperlink, a pop-up window will appear. Listed inside are  
         the units contained within the package's paid and future, unfunded invoices. Paid units will display  
         their set expiration dates. Unfunded, future units, however, can only display their expected expiration  
         dates as each can be altered by future frozen or canceled invoices. Each service is listed in order of
         ascending expiration date.

  • Completed Events: Displays the total number of calendar events that have been set to both a completed and chargeable status. (Ex. ‘Complete’, ‘Cancel - Charge’, or ‘No Show - Charge’) Provided within the parenthesis is the total number of Completed Events that are currently funded.


        Note: By clicking this column’s provided blue hyperlink, a pop-up window will appear. Listed inside is  
        each package-specific event that the Member has completed in order of ascending date and start time.
        From its data, staff can see which date an event occurred, that event’s trainer, its type, and whether or
        not it was funded.

        Occasionally, an alert might appear beneath the hyperlink warning staff of the existence of unfunded  
        events. That event’s Trainer will not be paid until funding for
that event is found. Data on the unfunded
        event(s) can be found by clicking the


  • Scheduled Events: Displays the total number of calendar events that have yet to be set to a completed and chargeable status. While this mostly pertains to future events, past events can also qualify. Provided within the parenthesis is the total number of Scheduled Events that are currently funded. This amount will never be greater than the general Scheduled Events figure.                                                    


         NoteBy clicking this column’s provided blue hyperlink, a pop-up window will appear. Listed inside is
         each package-specific event that the Member has completed in order of ascending date and start time.
         From its data, staff can see which date an event occurred, that event’s trainer, its type, and whether or
         not it was funded.

         Occasionally, an alert might appear beneath the hyperlink warning staff of the 
existence of past events
         that are still set to a ‘scheduled’ state. That event’s Trainer will
 not be eligible to be paid until they
         have switched the event to a ‘completed’ status.
Data on these event(s) can be found by clicking the


  • Expired: Displays the number of unused units [inventory] that have since passed their cut-off date.

    Note: Any value higher than ‘0’ will include a hyperlink that, upon clicking, will pull up the Expired Session page. This page allows staff to extend expired units’ expiration dates, thus re-releasing them for potential use by the Member. 




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  • Avatar
    Patty Noyes

    Why do you use the term "units?" Personal Training Sessions paid for & number of personal training sessions used. This would be very help to see this at a glance. I find the current configuration very confusing.

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    Permanently deleted user

    Hi Patty! Thank you for your feedback. Language can change a bit when switching from one system to another and we get that! We have updated the above article to specify "units [inventory]". We hope this makes more sense now. Please let us know if you catch anything else. Your feedback helps us improve our help center. Thank you!