The Unpaid Invoice Report contains four tabs: Summary, Unpaid Invoices, Payment Attempts, and Written-Off Invoices.
Summary Tab
This tab summarizes the total quantity and cost of a club or club location’s current unpaid invoices. The data is divided into five statuses: ‘Past Due’, ‘Still Attempting’, ‘Delinquent’, ‘Chargeback’, and ‘Written-Off’.
The five tables on this tab lists the location, number of past due invoices, and total cost of past due invoices in each status.
- Past Due Invoices (Cash/Check payment profile): Overdue for payment by cash or check.
- Unpaid Invoices ("Credit Card" or "Checking/Savings" payment profile): Have had one or more failed payment attempt, but are still scheduled for future payment attempts. More detail can be found on the Unpaid Invoices Tab.
- Delinquent Invoices ("Credit Card" or "Checking/Savings" payment profile): Have failed three attempts and are therefore not scheduled for any future payment attempts. More detail can be found on the Unpaid Invoices Tab.
- Chargeback Invoices ("Credit Card" or "Checking/Savings" payment profile): Previously-settled invoices that have since been disputed by the Member (via their credit card company, for example) or the Member’s bank (due to insufficient funds, for example). More detail can be found on the Unpaid Invoices Tab.
- Written-Off Invoices: Have been manually written-off by club staff. No further payment attempts can be made. More detail can be found on the Written-Off Invoices Tab.
The Unpaid Invoices Tab
This tab lists all unpaid invoices at a club or location with ‘Past Due’, ‘Still Attempting’, ‘Delinquent’, or ‘Chargeback’ status. (Written-Off invoices appear on their own tab.)
Unpaid Invoices Tab Fields
- Member Name: The owner of the agreement whose invoice has not been paid.
- Invoice Date: The date the invoice was originally created
- Attempt Date(s): The date(s) of payment attempts made on this invoice. Multiple attempts will appear separated by a comma.
- AF Location ID: The Anytime Fitness location to which the unpaid invoice belongs.
- Salesperson Name: The employee who sold the Member agreement.
- Invoice #: The unpaid invoice’s identification number.
- Agreement Name: The PT agreement to which the unpaid invoice is attached.
- Subtotal: The cost of the unpaid invoice before tax
- Discount: The amount by which the invoice was discounted, if a discount was applied.
- Tax: Tax, if any, added to the invoice’s subtotal
- Total Payment: The total cost of subtotal plus tax
- # Attempts: The number of payment attempts made for this invoice. In the case of Cash/Check invoices, this value will always be zero.
- Status: Displays as ‘Past Due’, ‘Still Attempting’, ‘Delinquent’, or ‘Chargeback’.
- Last Transaction ID: The most recent payment attempt’s ABC transaction ID.
- Payment Profile Used: Displays the payment profile the Member agreed to. May be Cash/Check, Credit Card, Checking or Savings.
- Last ABC Response: Received from ABC, this most-recent response will read as either ‘Failed’, ‘Success Pending Settlement’, or ‘No Response Yet’.
- Last ABC Response Message: Additional details on the Last ABC Response
- Member Address
The Payments Attempts Tab
This tab is similar to the Unpaid Invoices tab and breaks down each payment attempt made towards Unpaid Invoices.
The Written-Off Invoices Tab
This tab lists all unpaid invoices with a written-off status.
Learn more about accessing, filtering, and scheduling reports.