- Intro to Package Setup
- Step 1: Member Services
- Step 2: Packages
- Step 3: Terms
- Step 4: Taxes
- Step 5: Member Service Commission
- Step 6: Sales Commission
- Step 7: Pay Period Admin
Topic: To explain and explore the Packages portion of Club OS’ Package Setup.
The Packages menu is where clubs will take the Member Services created and place them into certain packages. In addition, term length, billing type, price per session, sessions released per bill cycle and auto renew terms will also be selected from this menu. Packages may be comprised of one solitary service or several grouped together.
Begin by clicking the Packages tab of Package Setup.
To add a new package to the list, click the ‘Add Package’ link.
This will take you to the ‘New Package’ page, as seen below.
The Packages setup page is comprised of five parts:
A. New Package
B. Options - Member Services
C. Options - Renew Types
D. Options - Fees
E. Options - Cancellation Fees
Here, the page has been broken down for easier notation. Fill out the fields as needed. (Red boxes are mandatory.)
A. New Package
- Regions: This box will show all the locations that a User has access to.
Note: If a service is to be assigned to all locations, this can be done by selecting all locations simultaneously. - Name: The name of the new package. (Ex. ‘PT 60’)
- Description: Explains the package briefly.
Note: In the event that a new package is a variant of an original, specification will be necessary in telling the packages apart.
Example: PT 30 - One to Three Times a Week.
- Term Length: Determines the unit of time applied to a package’s validity.
Note: This must be a number greater than zero.
- Min Term: The minimum amount of time allowed for a package to stay valid for a new sale. When rewriting an agreement, the minimum term value will be ignored.
Note: This must be a number greater than zero. - Max Term: The maximum amount of time allowed for a package to stay valid.
Note: This must be a number greater than zero.
7. Billing Cycle: Refers to the rate in which to charge a Member for their package.
Note: For each original package, an Admin ought to also create a variant for every billing cycle
recognized by the club.
Note: If your club offers the same packages to billed multiple ways for billing ex. weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, then a package must be created for each different bill cycle that the club offers.
- Tags: Currently not in use.
B. Options - Member Services
Note: By default, this section begins blank. The below fields will not populate unless a club location has been selected from the Regions box. Once the location has been selected, the ‘+Add Member Service’ link will appear. Click it. The below fields will appear.
1. Name: Displays the service being added to the package. Club OS does not allow single member
services to be added multiple times within the same package.
Note: Depending on the service, it is possible that the Unit Price, Unit Price Min and Expiration
fields will automatically populate (provided that staff filled in the figures upon setting up the
service). Otherwise, these boxes will appear blank.
2. Unit Price: The cost of one package.
3. Unit Price Min: The minimum cost for one package.
Note: This exists in the event that a club practices negotiation or promotion.
Negotiation Example: In using Unit Price Min, staff can ‘seem’ to be discounting Members, say, five
to ten dollars off the service’s regular price. By installing a Unit Price Min, then, staff is informed of
exactly how ‘low they can go’. If disinterested in negotiation, simply re-enter the new service’s
stationary Unit Price here.
Promotion Example: By selling differently priced sessions within a single package, staff can appear
to promote variations on a session’s cost. For example, whereas a package purchased week-to-
week might cost $40, with Unit Price Min, staff can push an alternative $35 package purchased at,
say, twice a week.
4. Units/Bill Cycle: Demonstrates the desired, ‘standard’ amount of sessions to be offered per billing
cycle. It is this figure in which Bill Cycle Min and Max will be leveraged against.
5. Units/Bill Cycle Min: The minimum amount of sessions allowed per billing cycle.
6. Units/Bill Cycle Max: The maximum amount of sessions allowed per billing cycle.
7. Expiration: Decides what length of time a Member has before that package expires.
C. Options - Renew Types
An auto-renewal is an extension that staff can apply onto an agreement’s end that will replenish that package’s units for an optional length of time. Furthermore, certain clubs may not wish for their agreements to automatically default to an added renewal or specific renewal type. There are two renewal options:
a) None: The package will not auto-renew once its term has expired.
c) Auto Renew - Open: Upon its original term expiring, the agreement will auto-renew on a
bill-cycle-to-bill-cycle basis until canceled. (For Example: A four month agreement with a
bi-weekly billing cycle will auto-renew every two weeks.)
b) No longer available for new packages: Auto Renew - Term: The package will auto-renew
for an identical term’s length once its original term has expired. (For Example: A year-long
agreement will auto-renew to last another year.)
Here, staff can control which auto-renew options (if any) an agreement can possess and which of those options ought to individually serve as default.
- Available Renew Type: Allows staff to specify which auto-renew type(s) an employee is capable of applying to the package.
Note: It is possible to select more than one type simultaneously. -
Default Renew Type: Allows staff to select which previously permitted auto-renew type will serve as default.
Note: The options within the dropdown menu will mirror those selected within the Available Renew Type field.
D. Options - Fees
Fees are a way to cover an occasional cost that is not related to salary. For example, a club providing towels might tack on a fee to cover laundry costs. Other club fees might include equipment rental.
Click ‘+Add Fee’ to make the fields appear.
1. Description: Explains the fee briefly.
2. Fee Amount: The cost of the fee.
3. Fee Amount Min: The minimum cost of the fee.
Note: This exists in the event that a club practices negotiation. In using Fee Amount Min, staff can
‘seem’ to be cutting lesser convinced PT Prospects a deal. By installing a Fee Amount Min, then,
staff is informed of exactly how ‘low they can go’. If disinterested in negotiation, simply re-enter the
Fee Amount here.
Note: If the fee has the ability to be waived, the club will want to input the Fee Amount Min at $0
4. Type & Frequency: Together, these declare how frequently the fee will be charged.
Note: Here, there are options:
4a) One Time: A fee paid once, upon first billing.
4b) Recurring: A fee paid repeatedly each bill cycle.
5. Sales Tax: Offers the addition of any tax previously arranged by staff in the Taxes portion of
Package Setup.
E. Options - Cancellation Fees
Click ‘+Add Fee’ to make the fields appear.
1. Description: Explains the fee briefly.
2. Fee Amount: The cost of the fee.
3. Fee Amount Min: The minimum cost of the fee.
Note: This exists in the event that a club practices negotiation. In using Fee Amount Min, staff can
‘seem’ to be cutting dissenting Members a deal. By installing a Fee Amount Min, then, staff is
informed of exactly how ‘low they can go’. If disinterested in negotiation, simply re-enter the Fee
Amount here.
Note: If the fee has the ability to be waived, the club will want to input the Fee Amount Min at $0
4. Type: Declares how frequently the fee will be charged.
Note: This opens staff to two options:
4a) Flat Fee: A fee paid once, upon a package’s cancellation.
4b) Per Billing Cycles Left Fee: A fee paid per every canceled bill, be it weekly, semi-monthly, or
5. Sales Tax: Offers the addition of any tax previously arranged by staff in the Taxes portion of
Package Setup.
Upon completion, if a package is ready to be used, click ‘Save and Activate’. If not, click ‘Save as Draft’.
Both options will post the package into a section of the Packages homepage. Activated services will list under ‘Packages’ whereas drafts can be found under ‘Draft Packages’.