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How to perform a Follow-Up


How perform a Follow-Up

Navigate to the Dashboard and the Follow-up Window will be located on the top right of the screen. 

The follow-ups in this window are auto populated according to your club’s follow-up schedule and are intended to be manually completed by the assigned staff member. Follow-ups that are scheduled for today will be at the top of the list and should be completed by the end of the day. If a follow-up is not completed on it’s assigned follow-up date then it will be moved into the `Overdue` categories and will be displayed in red. 

Note: Follow Ups that are scheduled to send automatically will not appear in this window unless it was unable to automatically send. If this occurs, the followup task will appear in the window with a note.


Step 1: To the right side of the recipients name, click on the `Follow-Up` button:



Step 2: Examine the `Profile` tab for useful information. It will display important information about the lead as well as their contact information on file:


a) Contact information on file for the lead

b) General Information 

c) List of campaigns that were sent to the lead. This will help in further personalizing the follow-up message and being aware of what correspondence has already taken place with the lead. 

d) Lead notes and previous follow-ups that were done on the lead will display here. This will help personalize the follow-up message  and being aware of what correspondence has already taken place with the lead. 


Step 3: Decide which method to use for the follow-up (Call, Email, Text, or Other):

Call: To complete a follow-up by phone, simply click on the call tab on the left side of the window. The outcome of the call needs to be marked by clicking on the outcome drop down menu. Also, ensure that any important notes are captured. These notes will then display on the follow-up window in the notes section. Once the outcome is selected, you can click on `Save`:



a) Spoke - You spoke to the lead

b) Left Message - Left a voicemail message to the lead 

C) No Answer - The lead did not answer their phone

D) Schedule Appointment - Contact is made with the lead and they would like to schedule an appointment 

E) Not Interested - The lead is not interested in a follow-up (this will remove the lead from the follow-up schedule to prevent future follow-ups from populating)

F) Transfer - Transfer the follow-up to a different staff member


Email: To complete a follow-up by email, click on the email tab on the follow-up window. If an email script was saved, it will display the email. Once the email is good to go, click on `Send Email`: 


a) Subject Line for the email 

b) Toolbar for text editing 

c) Content field 


Text: To complete the follow-up by text, click on the text tab, type the text message, and then click on `Send Text` (we recommend keeping your text messages at 150 characters or less, however the maximum number of characters in the message box is 300):



Other: The `Other` tab will allow you to conduct an action without completing the follow-up first:

Other.pnga) Not Interested - The member is not interested in any further follow-ups

b) Transfer - Allows the follow-up to be transferred to another staff member if needed

c) Override - Reschedule the follow-date for another time. For instance, you already met with the lead in person and would like to reach out to them some other time. 


Please note: 

Staff members with the Trainer, Salesperson, or Front Desk role will only see their own assigned follow-ups in this window. Staff members with the Location Manager and Club Admin role, will have an additional drop down menu, which will allow them to view any of the other staff members’ follow-ups or the club’s collected follow-ups:


Additionally, you can filter the follow-ups using the status drop down menu. This menu includes each of the statuses the lead can be in (I.E. Web Lead, Referral, Active Guest, etc.):



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