This report details transaction attempts and their outcomes over a selected date range, and can be filtered by location.
Sample PT Transactions Report
PT Transactions Report Fields
- Attempt Date: The date of the transaction attempt
- AF Location ID
- Member Name: The member associated with the transaction
- Salesperson Name: The employee listed as the Salesperson on the invoice associated with the transaction
- Invoice #
- Agreement Name: The name of the agreement associated with the transaction
- Subtotal: The pre-tax amount on the invoice
- Discount: The amount of the discount on the invoice, if applicable (Coming April 2021)
- Tax: Tax charged on the invoice
- Total Payment: Subtotal, minus discount, plus tax
- Transaction ID: Assigned by the club’s billing provider
- Payment Profile Used: Payment method the Member agreed to use
- Response: The status of the transaction attempt supplied by the club's billing provider. It will display as 'Failed', 'Success', 'Success Pending Settlement', or 'No Response Yet'.
- Response Message: Additional notes from the billing provider
- Settlement Status: Club OS’ determination of the status of the transaction attempt. This will display as a blank, 'Waiting for Notification', or 'Settled'.
- Settlement Response: Provides further information (if applicable) on the status of the transaction attempt