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Leads Not Contacted Report


Leads Not Contacted Report

This report lists Prospects that have a 'Missed Guest' status or are at Step #1 in the Follow-Up Schedule and have not received a Follow-Up call, email, or text. It can be filtered by location or employee.

Prospects who are not on the Follow-Up schedule or assigned to a specific employee for Follow-Up will not appear on the list.

Sample Leads Not Contacted Report

sample leads not contacted report

Leads Not Contacted Report Fields

  1. Location - Club location
  2. Employee - Employee assigned to follow-up with this Prospect
  3. Lead - The name of the Prospect 
  4. Status - Follow-up Status for this Prospect (may be Lead, Web Lead, Missed Guest, Expired Guest, Appt No Show or another status, depending on your club's setup)
  5. Email - Prospect's email address
  6. Mobile - Prospect's mobile phone number
  7. Home - Prospect's home phone number
  8. Work - Prospect's work phone number
  9. Created Date - The date that the lead was originally created in Club OS 
  10. Last Scheduled Follow Up Date - The date that the lead should have been contacted


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