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Calendar Icons for Attendees and Events


Icons on the calendar and on individual events show information about the attendee role and event type.

Attendee Icons:

Attendee icons appear on Prospect/Members scheduled for an event. 

Event Icons:

Event icons appear on the calendar to differentiate event types. They appear on scheduled events and on any calendar time slots that are designated for specific event types.


Training Session Training Session: Indicates a scheduled personal training session (or a designated time slot).
Group Training Group Training:  Indicates a scheduled group training session (or a designated time slot).
Appointment Appointment: Indicates a scheduled appointment with Prospects or Members (or a designated time slot that is open for these appointments).
Orientation PT Orientation: Indicates a scheduled PT Orientation session (or a designated time slot).
Group Class Group Class:  Indicates a scheduled group class (or a designated time slot).
Small Group Training Small Group Training: Indicates a scheduled small group training session (or a designated time slot).
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