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Employee Not Found on Digital Guest Waiver


When a new lead is entered into the DGW, they are assigned to an employee for Follow-Up based on the selection in the "Toured By" drop-down.

DGW employee drop down

The default selection will be the employee you have set under “Member Sales” in Location Defaults (My Club -> Location Settings -> Location Defaults), but you can choose another employee using the drop-down menu. If you do not see the employee you're looking for on the menu, check for the following issues in this order:

Newly Added Employee

If you have just set up this employee's account, try refreshing the page/browser on the device you're using for the DGW.

Wrong Role/Account Type

Users with Trainer and Front Desk roles do not appear on the Digital Guest Waiver. 

Excluded from DGW in Account Settings

Locate the account of the employee you're looking for and enter their profile. Then click the gear icon to enter their account settings. 


user Account access


Scroll down to Employee Settings and look for the "Exclude this employee from the digital guest waiver" checkbox. If this is checked, uncheck it and click "Save Employee Settings".

exclude this employee checkbox


After you have verified that the employee has the correct role/account type and settings, refresh the browser/page on the device you use for the DGW.

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