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Troubleshooting Email Problems


Emails not sending? If your emails aren't going out as expected, there are a few potential causes. The problem could be with individual recipients, or you might have settings on an email campaign that are preventing it from being delivered. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you identify and fix the problem.

Individual Prospects/Members | Automatic and Blast Campaigns

Individual Prospects/Members

Here are the most common reasons that emails to Prospects/Members might not be received:

  • Emails are received, but skipping the recipient's inbox and going to a separate folder for marketing/promotion emails
  • Emails are received, but sent to spam folder
  • Invalid or outdated email address on file
  • User has opted out of email communication

To search for users that currently do (or do not) have an email address on file, you can use the Contact Info filter in User Search.


Email Campaigns

If you sent an email or blast campaign that did not go out as planned, look up the details of the campaign to identify the problem. An email campaign cannot be activated without a valid ‘Send From’ email address.


Locate the campaign in question (under either Automatic or Blast) and click on the name of the campaign for more information.


On the campaign's Setup tab, find the "Send From" email, then follow the steps below.


"Send From" on the campaign is NOT Campaign 1 or Campaign 2:

If the "Send From" is not Campaign 1 or Campaign 2, it will typically be one of your Location Defaults -- the employees who are assigned as the default Follow-Up staff member for certain Prospects or Members. If the campaign didn't go out as expected, it may be because this employee does not have a valid email address on file.

Go to My Club -> Location Settings and navigate to the Location Defaults tab.


Locate the ‘Send From’ account that was selected on the campaign’s Setup page.

Take note of which employee occupies the campaign’s ‘Send From’ position. Attached to that staff member’s name will be either their email address or the text ‘(No Email)’.

Search for, then enter, the ‘Send From’ staff member’s Club OS account.

> Search Bar > ‘Send From’ Employee’s Account

Once inside, click the ‘Send From’ staff member’s User Settings link.

Refer to the ‘Send From’ staff member’s ‘Email’ field.

Depending on whether the ‘Email’ field is blank or not, one of two actions will need to occur:

  • If the ‘Email’ Field is Blank: Instruct the employee to enter a valid email address.

  • If the ‘Email’ Field Contains an Email Account: Verify that the email address is correctly spelled and active.

Note: An email campaign can not be activated without a valid email address attached to the ‘Send From’ staff member’s account. If the staff member possesses a valid email address and, still, the campaign will not issue its email, please contact our support team.

If the "Send From" on your campaign IS Campaign 1 or Campaign 2:

Navigate to the Location Defaults tab (located within My Club’s ‘Location Settings’ page).

Locate the ‘Send From’ Campaign that was selected on the campaign’s Setup page.

Refer to the Campaign’s ‘Reply to Email’ field.

Depending on whether the ‘Reply to Email’ field is blank or not, one of two actions will need to occur:

  • If the ‘Reply to Email’ Field is Blank: Insert a valid email address.
  • If the ‘Reply to Email’ Field Contains an Email Account: Verify that the email address is spelled correctly and active.



If this does not resolve your issue, please let our support team know.


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