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Personal Training Analytics PT Active Clients Dashboard



The PT Active Clients Dashboard provides information on members who have active PT agreements and are current on their payment schedule. This dashboard is intended to replace the use of the Employee Active Clients Report.

The dashboard is also similar to the Anytime Fitness Fab 5 PT Penetration metric, with a major difference being that the the Club OS dashboard is updated hourly, whereas the Fab 5 metric is updated monthly. Therefore the Club OS dashboard will reflect new sales and cancellations in near real time, whereas the Fab 5 metric will not, and thus the counts between the two sources are not expected to match exactly. Another difference is that the Fab 5 metric represents unique members, whereas the Club OS dashboard displays unique package agreements. Therefore if a member has two agreements meeting the criteria for the dashboard, both agreements will appear.

How to Access the PT Active Clients Dashboard

Navigate to Dashboard > Personal Training from your Club OS account.



Inclusion Criteria

A member's personal training agreement will appear on the dashboard if it meets these criteria:

  1. The member does not have a Pending Membership. Members who have Pending Memberships are excluded from the dashboard until the membership is no longer pending.
  2. The package agreement has a total value greater than $0.
  3. The package agreement has a status of Completed (and the contract end date is today or in the future), Active, or Frozen. Each agreement will only appear once on the dashboard.
  4. The member has made a recent payment
    1. If the payment method is credit/debit or bank account, the most recent invoice must be paid, refunded, written off, or comped.
    2. If the payment method is cash/check, the agreement must have a payment in the last 30 days.
  5. If an agreement has been rewritten and the original agreement is still active, both agreements will be listed in one row.

Filters, Data Columns, and Highlight Rules


  • Location: Filters on the location where the package agreement was sold
  • Assigned Trainer: Displays a list of active employees and an "Unassigned" option that will filter for members with no assigned trainers. Salespeople and Trainer roles will only see themselves in the list.
    • To add or remove assigned trainers, go to the member's account and navigate to Club Info > Assigned Trainers


Data Columns and Their Meaning

  • ID: A hyphenated, unique identifier consisting of the package agreement ID followed by the Club OS member ID. Multiple package agreement IDs indicate that the agreement has been rewritten.
  • Member Name: The first and last name of the member who was sold the package agreement
  • Member Location: The member's current location in Club OS
  • Agreement Location: The location at which the agreement was sold
  • Agreement Name: The name of the package agreement
  • Next Invoice Subtotal: The amount of the next payment on the agreement, not including tax, discounts, and credit applied. If the agreement has no remaining future payments, the field will display as "No next invoice." Frozen agreements will display the next payment amount that will be collected once the agreement is unfrozen.
  • Member Services: The list of members services sold on the agreement
  • Renew Type: The renewal type of the package agreement. If the agreement has been rewritten, the rewritten agreement's renewal type will be displayed.
  • Bill Cycle: The bill cycle of the agreement (Weeks, Semi-Months, Months, or Years)
  • Agreement Expiration Date: The end date of the agreement. Matches up to the Contract Period end date displayed on the agreement in the member's Member Services page. If the agreement has been rewritten, the expiration from the rewritten agreement will be displayed.
  • Assigned Trainers: The list of assigned trainers on the member's account. Deleted trainers will not be displayed. If a member has no active trainers assigned, the value displayed will be Unassigned.

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For any member included in the detailed data it's easy to view their profile by clicking on the "view" link next to their name. This will open a new tab directly to the member's profile. 

Highlight Rules

A row will be highlighted in red if the member location and the agreement location do not match.



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