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ABC Payment Profile Form


You will notice a new payment profile form when selling training agreements to your members beginning October 10th, 2017. This new form is hosted by ABC Financial and allows billing information to be passed directly into ABC. This provides all our users and your clients with a higher level of security. We know cyber-security is a major concern for your clients and this update provides ABC’s Level 1 PCI compliant status. In addition, ABC will be able to validate the following information before it is submitted.

      • The form will check that all fields are filled out except for Street 2.
      • The form will check that the expiration date is correctly formatted and that it’s in the future.
      • The form will check that CC/Routing Numbers have the expected number of digits. For CC numbers, it will check that the first 4 digits match the type of card selected.
      • The form will check that the zip code has the expected number of digits.   
      • The credit card number itself will be validated after the form data has been submitted to ABC. In the case that the CC number is invalid, you will see an error message banner and the credit card number will need to be re-submitted.

Please take a moment to review the screenshot below and familiarize yourself with the new payment profile from. The form will still be in the same place in Club OS, it will just have a new look.



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