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How Do I Delete/Undelete Accounts?


Club OS' User Search will give Club Admins the ability to delete/undelete users at any time.

The Delete/Undelete User action aids staff by permitting both the deletion and restoration of Member and Prospect accounts. This article illustrates how to perform both tasks.

A. How to Delete Users

Step #1:

Apply the User Search filters to select only the profile(s) intended for deletion.

Note: Only Unrestricted and Restricted Club Admins will be able to delete/ undelete users.

Step #2:

To delete a Member/Prospect, click on their profile from the User Search(as shown in the picture below).


Step #3: 

Once in the User's profile, navigate to their Account Settings in the top right corner of their profile.


Step #4: 

Once you have located the User's Account Settings, scroll down to the bottom of the page and select "Delete Account".



B. How to Undelete Users

Step #1:

To undelete a Member/Prospect, search for the profile using 'User Search'. Utilize the 'Include Deleted' filter (located in the bottom-left corner of the User Search page) to view deleted profiles.


Step #2:

Locate their deleted account and select their profile.


Step #3: 

Once in the User's profile, navigate to their Account Settings in the top right corner of their profile.


Step #4: 

Once you have located the User's Account Settings, scroll down to the bottom of the page and select "Restore Account".



C. How to delete or undelete employees

Once a staff member has stopped working for a club, Club Admins should take several steps to assure that, both, the former employee's responsibilities and leads are redistributed amongst the club's remaining staff. Taking this precaution will prevent a club's leads and events from falling into neglect.

1. Transfer All Assigned Follow-Up (Both Member and Personal Training)

Enter User Search and set the filters to display every lead who currently possesses the former employee as their Assigned Follow-Up Employee. It is advisable to enable the 'include deleted' filter when setting up the search criteria. This will ensure that all profiles including deleted ones show in the search results. Next, click the Search Actions menu and select 'Transfer Users'. Lastly, set the newly required specifications and click 'Transfer'. For more details on Transferring Follow-Ups, click here.

2. Update Assigned Defaults

Note: This step is only necessary if the former employee held an email default role. You will see this error message if you attempt to delete an employee who is set as a default: ERROR: The account you are trying to delete is a location default account and must be removed before deleting.

Enter the Location Defaults page via My Club's 'Location Settings' sub-tab. Reassign any default accounts that may currently be attributed to the former employee. Lastly, click 'Save Location Defaults'.'For more details on Location Defaults, click here.

3. Assign Clients to Another Trainer (If Applicable)

Note: This step is only necessary if the former employee held a trainer role.

Run the Employee Active Clients Report for the former trainer to receive a complete list of that trainer's currently assigned members. Pull up a replacement trainer's Assigned Members page (located within their Club Setup tab). Click the page's search field, enter a reported member's name, and select their profile to assign that member to the replacement trainer. Next, click that member's link to access their Assigned Trainers page. Unassign the former trainer by clicking the 'X' set to the right of that trainer's name. Repeat this process for each member listed within the former trainer's Employee Active Clients Report.

4. Reassign All Scheduled Events to a New Event Owner

Enter the Calendar and view the former employee's schedule. Click each event and set its Event Owner to a remaining staff member. One of the things that should be done ensure that there are not any recurring events scheduled that need to be adjusted as well.

5. Check Message History and Respond to Clients

Enter the former employee's profile and refer to their Messages section. Reply to each message populated within the window. 


6. Delete Employee 

Return to User Search and set the filters to display the former employee's profile and click into it. Once there you can navigate to their Account Settings to Delete their account.



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