This report details expected future revenue from automatic payments within a selected date range, based on currently active agreements. If running the report for multiple locations, all locations will appear on a single tab.
Sample PT Scheduled Draft Report
PT Scheduled Draft Report Fields
- Draft Date: The date the payment is scheduled to be automatically drafted
- Location Name: The name of the location where the payment will be drafted
- AF Location ID: The Anytime Fitness Club ID (not the Club OS location ID) of the payment's location
- Member Name: The name of the member who has the package agreement associated with the payment
- Agreement ID: The ID number of the package agreement associated with the payment
- Agreement Name: The name of the package agreement
- Salesperson: The employee listed as the salesperson for the agreement
- Invoice Type: The type of payment (for example, 'Recurring' or 'Down Payment').
- Expected Sub Total: The amount of the payment before tax
- Discount: The amount the invoice was discounted, if a discount was applied to the package agreement
- Expected Tax: Tax, if any, included in the Member's automatic payment
- Expected Total: The total payment (subtotal plus tax)
- Transaction ID: The identification number of the invoice for this payment, generated by ABC. If the Member's payment has not yet had a payment attempt, then this field will appear blank.
Note about agreements in an auto-renew open: Future payments from an agreement in auto-renew open (the initial term having been completed) will appear on the report, but will not be visible when viewing the member's agreement until the payment draft date.
Learn more about accessing, filtering, and scheduling reports.