This report provides data on completed PT orientations and whether they resulted in a purchase. It can be filtered by location or employee.
PT Orientations Completed Sample Report
PT Orientations Completed Report Fields
Member Name
Member Email
ORT Completed Date/Time: The date and time in which the Member's Orientation occurred.
- Subject: The subject of the event
ORT Made at POS: Displays a Y/N to indicate if the Member's Orientation was scheduled at the same time they purchased a membership agreement
PT Sold at ORT: Displays a Y/N to indicate whether or not the Member bought a PT agreement while attending their Orientation
Membership Sold Date: The date the Member bought their membership agreement.
Employee Name: The staff member who sold the Member their membership agreement.
Location Name: The club location where the membership was purchased.
Membership ID: The identification number attached to the Member's membership agreement.
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