This report provides data about Prospect accounts in Club OS. It can be filtered by date range and location. If you select "All Locations", the report will display the data for each location on its own tab and will also contain a summary tab for all locations.
Sample New Prospect Report
How to Read the New Prospect Report
This report displays all Prospect accounts that were created within the selected date range.
It will include deleted accounts, and Prospects that have since converted to Members.
It will not include accounts without an Origin (this is not common). It will not include accounts that have never had a Prospect status (for example, accounts that were created via a billing integration and synced to Club OS as a Member without first appearing as a Prospect in Club OS).
New Prospect Report Fields
- Location: The Location where the Prospect was created
- Created Date: The date and time the Prospect was created
- Created By: The Club OS user who created the Prospect account
- Prospect Name: The Prospect's name. A total count of all Prospects will appear at the top of this column.
- Phone: The Prospect's phone number
- Referred By: If applicable, the person who referred the Prospect to your club
- Email: Prospect's email
- Origin: Prospect's Origin - the way they initially contacted the club (examples include Walk-in, Phone Inquiry, Web Lead)
- Source: Prospect's Marketing Source
- Appt Booked?: Displays Y/N to indicate whether the Prospect booked an appointment within the Date Range of the report. A total count of appointments booked will appear at the top of this column.
- Appt Booked Date: If applicable, the date and time in which the Prospect's appointment was booked will appear here. (This refers to the date/time the appointment was created, not the date/time of the appointment itself.)
- Appt Status: If applicable, the status of the Prospect's appointment will appear here.
- Tour Person: If applicable, the Event Owner of the Prospect's appointment
- Salesperson: If applicable, the staff member credited with selling the Prospect a membership will display here
- Joined?: Displays Y/N to indicate whether the user has purchased a membership. A total count of memberships sold will appear at the top of this column.
- Membership: If applicable, the user's Membership Type will appear here.
- Billing Status: If applicable and available via your billing integration, the user's Billing Status will appear here.
- Billing Status Date: If applicable and available via your billing integration, the date and time of the user's last Billing Status update will appear here.
- EFT Amount: If applicable, the total EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) amount that the user is expected to pay. A sum of these amounts will appear at the top of the column.
- Down Payment: If applicable, the total Down Payment amount that the user has paid. A sum of these amounts will appear at the top of the column.
- Referrals: The number of Referrals provided by the user. A total count of Referrals will appear at the top of the column.
- Note: The oldest entry in the Lead Notes section for the user.
- User ID: The unique ID assigned by Club OS.
- External Billing ID: The unique ID assigned by the billing provider.
- Waiver Submission Date: The date and time that the user submitted the Digital Guest Waiver (DGW).
Learn more about accessing, filtering, and scheduling reports.
Can a key for the Appt status be provided? ie what does "A", or "NN" mean. Thank you!