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The Commission Report Troubleshooting Guide


This article serves an extensive, all-encompassing guide to discovering and diagnosing potential payroll-related issues. It contains nine topic-specific solutions. For best results, complete each step in the order in which they are presented.

Step #1:

Begin with a clear understanding of which of the club's pay periods is the one experiencing the issue. This can be accomplished in one of two ways:

1. Asking the club/employee about the pay period in question.
2. Referencing the Pay Period Setup section of Package Setup's 'Pay Period Admin' tab.


Step #2:

Run the Commission Report for the pay period in question. This can be accomplished in one of two ways:

1. Running the report from within the 'Club Reports' tab.


2. Selecting the stored, period-specific report from within the Member's Package Setup 'Pay Period Admin' tab.


(Note: For further details on the ways in which one can access the Commission Report, [click here]

Step #3:

Once the report is received, open and inspect it. For help in understanding the details of the Commission Report, [click here].

Step #4:

It is highly possible that the 'error' is simply a matter of miseducation. Two of the most recurring miseducation scenarios include:

1. Scenario One - 'My Recurring Events Lack a Funding Icon'

In a recurring series of events, only the next event is considered 'real' by Club OS. Therefore, only the next event is provided a funding icon. However, once the 'real' event has occurred, the next event in the series will reclassify as 'real' and gains a funding icon. This process repeats until each event is used.


For more on Recurring Event logic, [click here].

2. Scenario Two - 'My Event Funded Outside of Its Payroll Period in Which it Occurred'

Identify if the issue stems from the act of an event becoming funded outside of the payroll pay period in which the event occurred. To do this, examine the 'Training Date' and 'Funded Date' columns for each event listed within the report.


Typically, in each event's instance, both dates will fall within the same pay period. If this is not the case, it is likely that one of two errors have occurred:

i) The Trainer Forgot to Create an Event Before Training Its Member

Here, the Trainer will not be paid until the event has been added to their calendar and supplied with a 'completed' status.


Note: The Trainer's commission will be withheld until the pay period in which the event is eventually added. For details on how to step a calendar event up properly, proceed to Step #7.

ii) The Trainer Forgot to Complete/Fund a Past Event:

Here, the Trainer will not be paid until the event has been given a funded status such as 'Completed', 'No Show Charge' or 'Cancel' status.


Note: The Trainer's commission will be withheld until the pay period in which the event is eventually given its completed status. For more details on how to set an event's status, see Step #7.

If Miseducation is not the issue, proceed to Step #5.

Step #5:

Refer, again, to the Commission Report -specifically its 'Event Status' column.


A Trainer's commission is paid or denied depending on which status an event holds. For assistance in defining the 'Event Status' column's abbreviations, look to the Attendee Status Key -located in the lower-left corner of each tab.


Provided below are the collections of statuses that will either pay or prevent a Trainer's commission.

Statuses That Pay Trainer Commissions:
'Completed', 'No Show Charge', 'Cancel Charge'

Status That Do Not Pay Trainer Commissions:
'Rescheduled', 'Canceled', 'No Show'

If it appears that the club/employee is misinformed on the topic of event status, take this opportunity to educate.

Step #6:

Re-run the Commission Report to see if the issue has since resolved. If progress has yet to be made, proceed to Step #7.

Step #7:

A Trainer can only collect commission on events that are funded. To verify which events currently lack funding, refer to the Commission Report. A red row is an event that has yet to find funding. A white row signifies a funded event.


Read below for steps on how to review and revise an unfunded event:

1. Begin by locating the event within its Trainer's Club OS calendar. Click it to enter.


2. An event requires a member service in order to fund. Does this event possess a member service?


If No: Select the event's intended service from the 'Service' drop down menu.

If Yes: Verify that this is the event's intended service. If the current service is incorrect, select the correct service from the 'Service' drop down menu. If the service is correct, then see Step 3.

3. An event also requires an attendee in order to fund. Does this event possess an attendee?

If No: Search and select the event's intended attendee(s) from within the 'Type Attendee's Name' field.


If Yes: Verify the event's intended attendee(s) with the event's Trainer. If the current attendee(s) is incorrect, select the correct attendee(s) from the 'Type Attendee's Name' field. If the attendee(s) is correct, then proceed to Step 4.

4. Look to the event's funding icon. Once an event has found its funding, its icon will turn green.


If this event's icon remains red, read below for further steps on how to review and revise this unfunded event:

i) Enter the Member's Club Services page and scroll down to their Member Service Agreements section.


Locate the service in question. Expand its Session Count Screen by clicking its '+'.


ii) Refer to the Scheduled Events column. When a scheduled event occurs and is not supplied with a completed status, a red alert will appear.


Again, no event can pay its Trainer's commission without, first, being set to a completed status. To see, specifically, which event(s) needs its status set, click the number's blue hyperlink. A pop-up window will appear.


Using this data, find each event in the Club OS calendar. Confirm each event's outcome with the event's Trainer before selecting its correct completed status.


Note: Selecting either the 'Rescheduled' or 'Canceled' status will free the event's unused sessions for future use.

iii) Refer to the Remaining Units column. How many bookable units does the agreement still possess?


If no units remain, click the service's hyperlink to access its Agreement page.


Look to the Invoice Information section located on the screen's right. At the top of the list is the date in which the next invoice (and its new units) will become available.


If, in fact, the next invoice is not scheduled to generate until the next pay period, contact the Member to ask if they would be willing to pay their next invoice early. The Member's reply will affect the event's Trainer's commission in one of two ways:

If the Member Agrees to Pay Early: The next invoice's new units will release early, funding the pending, unfunded events in the process. The Trainer will now be paid their commission within the present pay period.

If the Member Declines to Pay Early: The next invoice's new units will release as scheduled, funding the pending, unfunded sessions at a later date. The Trainer will not be paid their commission until the next pay period.

If, in fact, a Member's over-training proves to be the payroll's issue, instruct the club/employee to refrain from scheduling events for Members who do not currently possess available sessions. If a Member is consistently requesting to schedule more events than they possess sessions for, club staff should pitch them the idea of purchasing a more expansive package that would better encompass their exercise needs.

iv) Remain in the service's Agreement page. Look toward the top of the page for the potential existence of a 'Frozen' status. If it is present, then the agreement possess a frozen status. (Additionally, the freeze's final date will appear within the page's Status field.)


Despite the freeze, a Member is still capable of paying their invoice(s) manually. This act will still release units that can either be used to fund earlier events or schedule new ones. However, eventually the Member will run out of sessions. Ifthis occurs, the Member will need to be notified.

On the topic of frozen agreements, remember the following:

I. Freezing an agreement is an action typically reserved for special circumstances such as vacation, injury, etc.

II. Freezing an agreement suspends a club's ability to bill a Member's invoices automatically. Although a Member may manually pay invoices while within a freeze state, if a Member does so repeatedly, advise them that it is better to un-freeze the agreement as it restores their natural billing cycle.

III. A frozen agreement will still let Members use their sessions while within the frozen state.

For more on the Freeze Status, [click here].

If the issue persists, proceed to Step #8.

Step #8:

It is possible that the issue is an extension of the Member's package being improperly set up. Specifically, the error might lie in either the Member Service Commission, Sales Commission, or Pay Period Admin tabs. Read below to discover how to review and revise each step:

Begin by accessing Club OS' [Package Setup]

1. Member Service Commission: Begin by entering Package Setup's Member Service Commission tab. Click the intended service's 'Edit' icon and verify that, both, the 'Per Event' and 'Per Attendee' commissions are set up as intended.


For more on Package Setup's Member Service Commission tab, [click here].

2. Sales Commission: Enter Package Setup's Sales Commission tab. Click the intended service's 'Edit' icon and verify that its Commission Tiers are set up correctly.


For more on Package Setup's Sales Commission tab, [click here].

3. Pay Period Admin: Enter Package Setup's Pay Period Admin tab. Click the intended service's 'Edit' icon and verify that, both, the Pay Period and Commission Report sections have been set up correctly.


For more on Package Setup's Pay Period Admin tab, [click here].

If this is not the issue, proceed to Step #9.

Step #9:

Check to see if the club has issued a refunded within the pay period in question. The extent that a refund is issued can vary in one of three ways:

1. Partial Refund: This refunds only the Member's unused sessions. The Trainer will only receive commission from the Member's completed events.
2. Total Refund: This refunds the Member's entire invoice -including both their used and unused sessions. The Trainer will only receive commission from the Member's completed events on the condition that:

i) The services are not deleted from the completed events.

ii) The event is not deleted from the Club OS calendar.

3. Suspended Session: This arises in the event that a Member's request for a refund stems from a temporary inability to pay their invoice. Here, rather than issuing an official, permanent refund, the Trainer can implement a workaround:

i) First, have the Trainer delete the Member's past training event and replace it with a meeting event. Doing this will return the deleted event's session and refund the Member.

ii) Once the Member is able to pay their invoice, have the Trainer delete the Member's meeting event and replace it with a replica of the original training event. This act will re-consume the original event's session and restore the Trainer's commission.

I. If the Member happens to own an additional invoice containing unused units for the same service, Club OS will exchange the first invoice's complete sessions for the second invoice's unused ones. This act will preserve the Trainer's commission.

For more on Refunds, [click here].

Solution #10:

Check to see if the club has issued either a comp or refund within the pay period in question. Each action affects the payroll in particular ways:

1. Comped Invoices: During the comping process, staff can elect whether or not to credit the Trainer with sales commission. To verify if this is the issue, access the service's 'Pay Invoice' page.


For more on Comps, [click here].

2. Written-Off Invoices: Write-offs can affect a staffs' commissions in one of three ways, depending on which state the invoice previously possessed:

i) If the Invoice Was Delinquent: The Salesperson will retain their Sales Commission provided that it was based on 'Total Agreement Value' (as seen in Package Setup's [Pay Period Admin] tab)


ii) If the Invoice Was Qualified for Collections: No commission will be paid.

iii) If the Invoice Was Previously Paid: The Salesperson will retain their Sales Commission provided that it was based on 'Down Payment Value' (as seen in Package Setup's [Pay Period Admin] tab.)


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