Club OS provides its clubs with the ability to refund any amount of a Member's previously paid credit. This function allows club staff to cater to a Member's unique financial requests and circumstances.
Note: Credit can only be refunded from the invoice in which the Member's overpayment specifically occurred.
Getting Started
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To administer the refund, first enter that Member’s profile. Next, click ‘Club Settings’, followed by ‘Club Services’. Member’s Profile > Club Settings > Club Services |
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Locate the agreement in question and click its accompanying '+'. > Agreement |
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As a result, the package's Session Count Screen and Invoice List will appear. Toward the top are the past invoices that are capable of refunding.
Locate and click the ‘Refund’ link for the date(s) desired. > Refund Link |
4. |
This opens the Refund Invoice page.
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Supplied v. Applied Credit
In order to accurately process the intricacies of credit refund logic, club staff must, first, understand the difference between an invoice's two potential types of credit (each represented on the invoice as a line item):
1. Supplied Credit: This line item displays the total amount of credit that a Member has accrued by overpaying the the current invoice. This credit will be applied toward a future payment(s) where it will appear on the payment's invoice as an 'applied credit'.
Example: Luna's invoice costs $40. Luna pays the club $50 -resulting in an overpaid, $10 credit that will be applied toward a future payment(s). This $10 will appear as a 'supplied credit' on the current invoice.
2. Applied Credit: This line item displays the total amount of a Member's previously accrued credit that is being applied to the current invoice. Note: An invoice containing multiple 'applied credits' will combine those credits' total into a single line item.
Example: Luna's invoice costs $40. Luna pays the club $30 -allowing her previously-applied $10 credit to fund the difference. This $10 will appear as an 'applied credit' on the current invoice.
Note: It is possible for an invoice to possess, both, a 'supplied' and 'applied credit' line item simultaneously.
Credit Logic
A staff’s effort to refund a Member’s credit can produce one of three outcomes in terms of how that club’s finances will be affected. Whether the club’s refund will result in a partial credit return, a full financial loss, or an eventual recoup of that loss hinges upon such details as the credit type, the Member’s request, and the invoice’s generation date. To examine the effects of each of these factors, read below.
A. When Credit is Supplied
Staff can enter any figure into the Refund field stopping at the credit's total amount. Depending on the condition of the Member's agreement, the refund will either redisperse the Member's established credit (thus keeping the money in the club) or cause the club to return the Member's money completely (a lose for the club).
1. How a Club Can Keep Its Money
If the Member's supplied credit was originally attributed to a select payment that has yet to generate an invoice, the Member's credit can be refunded and the club can eventually bill the previously-credited select payment for its full amount.
2. How a Club Can Lose Its Money
If the Member's supplied credit was originally attributed to a select payment that has since generated an invoice, the Member's credit can be refunded but the club will possess no opportunity to later bill the Member and recoup the spent credit's losses.
B. When Credit is Applied
Refund logic will differ depending on whether an invoice was funded entirely by credit or not.
1. When an Invoice is Entirely Funded by Credit
Club OS allows staff to refund $0 invoices on the condition that the invoice was funded entirely by credit.
Refunding such an invoice will re-release all of the invoice's previously-consumed units.
2. When an Invoice Is Partially Funded By Credit
When refunding the partial cost of an invoice, Club OS will return the entirety of the Member's out-of-pocket payment on that invoice before allowing the Member's credit to refund.
Example: Antonio's invoice contains 3 sessions valued at $5 each for a total cost of $15. Because Antonio had previously applied a $5.50 credit toward his latest invoice, Club OS charged Antonio only $9.50 more for his sessions.
* Were Antonio to Request 1 Unit Be Refunded (A $5 Credit):
* $5.00 of Antonio's $9.50 payment would be refunded.
* Only $4.40 of Antonio's $9.50 payment and Antonio's $5.50 credit would remain on the invoice.
* Were Antonio to Request 2 Units Be Refunded (A $10 Credit):
* All of Antonio's $9.50 payment would be refunded.
* $0.50 of Antonio's $5.50 credit would then be returned to Antonio to be reapplied toward other, future
* Only $5.00 of Antonio's $5.50 credit would remain on the invoice.
* Were Antonio to Request 3 Units Be Refunded (A $15 Credit):
* All of Antonio's $9.50 payment would be refunded.
* All of Antonio's $5.50 credit would then be returned to Antonio to be reapplied toward other, future
* No payment or credit would remain on the invoice.
If a Member's refund is sizable enough to return that Member's credit on their invoice, a 'Credit Strategy' box will appear below, displaying the total amount of refunded credit that is now available to be strategically reapplied toward specific upcoming payments per the Member's preference.