Club OS provides its Members with the opportunity to pay a varied amount of money towards their initial and future payments. This allows club staff to receive any amount of the Member's money -regardless of the date or value at which the Member's next payment is set to generate. This offer also enables Members to time the volume of their payments around their financial availability and potentially establish credit toward future invoices.
What Is 'Credit'?
'Credit' is the surplus of money that a Member has paid beyond what their next invoice requires. A Member may strategically apply their credit toward a future payment(s) -an act that allows that Member to, then, pay less money later to fund that payment's eventual invoice. Note: A credit is not equivalent to a discount.
What Are My Flexible Billing Options?
Provided below is a list of Members' payment options, their requirements, and their results.
A. Paying Nothing on a Down Payment
A Member can choose to pay nothing toward a package's down payment, provided that their package possesses a future-set Start Date (where the Member's first invoice will generate, releasing sessions). This action allows Members to commit themselves to a package despite lacking the funds or availability that is immediately necessary. Note: At least one invoice must be paid upon the package's purchase if its Start Date is set for a past or present date.
Example: It is February 20th. Lenora's previous package (Tuesday Night Zumba) ends on the 28th and is not set to renew. Despite having, neither, $150 or Tuesday nights available to immediately use her new, identical package, Lenora can pay nothing toward the current down payment and pay the package's first invoice in full when it generates on the Start Date (March 7th). This prevents Lenora from missing a week of Tuesday Night Zumba.
B. Paying Less Than the First Payment's Total Amount
A Member can choose to pay less than their first payment's exact amount, provided that their package possesses a future-set Start Date. Once the Member's package has been purchased, the Member's first invoice will not generate until the package's Start Date. That invoice will then charge the Member that first payment's leftover cost and release the package's first sessions. This action can not be applied toward later payments. Note: At least one invoice must be paid upon the package's purchase if its Start Date is set for a past or present date.
Example #1: Today is April 4th. Mischa's Start Date is set for April 15th -the day after her vacation ends. Despite her first scheduled payment's $150 cost, Mischa can purchase her package with a down payment of the $85 in her pocket. Her initial invoice will then generate on April 15th, citing a shortened charge of $65.
Example #2: Today is April 4th. Because Byron's club bills semi-monthly (the 1st and 15th), Byron has backdated his Start Date to April 1st so that he does not have to wait to train. In order to receive his sessions, however, Byron must first fully pay his initial invoice’s $100 cost. This is due to Byron’s Start Date being in the past as opposed to being set for a future date.
C. Paying Less Than the Scheduled Payment's/Total Amount
A Member can choose to pay less than their scheduled payment's total amount. This act adds credit towards the future payment which will not release sessions until its invoice has been paid in full. For the sake of clarity, upon a Salesperson's issuing of a partial payment towards a scheduled payment, Club OS will display the alert, 'You are submitting credit towards this scheduled payment. Note that sessions will not be released until the scheduled payment is paid in full. Select Continue, or Cancel to make changes.'.
D. Paying The Exact Down Payment/Scheduled Payment's Total Amount
A Member can choose to pay a down payment or scheduled payment's exact amount.
Example #1: Today is Javier's Start Date (April 4th). His club bills monthly. Javier can pay his first invoice's full $80 cost -an act that clears him of any further, financial obligation until his next (May 4th) payment.
D. Paying More Than the Scheduled Payment's Total Amount
A Member can choose to pay more than a scheduled payment's exact amount. This act builds the Member's credit which they can then apply toward specific payments of their choosing -therefore enabling the Member to strategize how they would prefer to save money on future payments. Once a payment has been selected to receive a credit, that credit can not, then, be revoked and re-applied toward a different payment. When a payment has been overpaid, a drop-down menu will appear, containing three 'Apply Credit' options:
- Last Invoice and Up: This options applies the Member's credit toward their final payment. Once that payment has been paid in full, any remaining credit will then be attributed to the next-to-last payment, etc. This action allows the Member to save money in a long-term sense.
Example: On April 5th, Judy pays $1,250 toward her package's $600 down payment -resulting in a
$650 credit. By selecting 'Last Invoice and Up', Judy's credit will now pay off the entirety of her
package's final $600 payment and an additional $50 on her second-to-last payment. Currently,
Judy's final payment toward the package will be $550 on June 5th.
2. Next Invoice and Down: This option applies the Member's credit toward their next payment. Once
that payment has been paid in full, any remaining credit will then be attributed to the next,
sequential payment, etc. This action allows the Member to save money more immediately.
Example: On April 5th, Devon pays $1,250 toward his package's $600 down payment -resulting in a
$650 credit. By selecting 'Next Invoice and Down', Devon's credit will now pay off the entirety of his
package's second $600 payment and an additional $50 toward his third. Currently, Devon's next
payment (of $550) will not be due until June 5th.
- Spread Evenly: This option applies the Member's credit evenly across each remaining payment. This action allows the Member to save money more consistently.
Example: On April 5th, Moesha pays $1,250 toward her package's $600 down payment -resulting in
a $650 credit. By selecting 'Spread Evenly', Moesha's credit will now apply roughly $216.67 toward
each of her package's three remaining payments.
E. Paying Previously-Generated Invoices
Members are required to pay the exact value of previously-generated, overdue invoices. No other flexibility is offered.