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Scheduling Public Group Training Events


Follow the steps below to schedule Class/PT training events.

1) Select ‘Calendar’ from the Club OS task bar. Then, select ‘Calendar’ from the side menu.

2-On the calendar, there are two options for scheduling a new group event:


1. Select the ‘Add Event’ button located at the top right of the screen.

2. If the trainer has set their availability in the schedule, select the pink ‘Group Training’ icon.


3-The ‘Add New Event’ pop-up window will automatically open.




Fill out the fields as follows:


a)Event Owner: Select the name of the trainer for the event. The name selected here will appear as the trainer for the group training event within the AF mobile app.

b)Event Type:Select Group Training/Class from the drop-down list.

c) Public: When creating a Group Training event, the public checkbox (shown above) must be selected. This will ensure that the event appears in the list of available group training events on the AF mobile app.

d)Subject: Enter the Group Training class name in the ‘Subject’ text field (eg- Burn). This needs to be entered correctly for it to appear in the AF mobile app.

e)Start Date: Select the ‘Start Date’ calendar icon.A pop-up calendar will automatically open. Select the desired event start date from the calendar.Then, set the ‘Start time’ and ‘End time’ of the event using their corresponding drop-down menus.

f)Notes: The ‘Notes’ section enables trainers to keep records about the event. Input notes directly into the text field. Once the event is saved, the notes will be retained/stored within the text field.

g) Event Reminder: The ‘Event Reminder’ options enable scheduled reminders to be sent to the event owner and/or the attendees about the approaching event. To select either option, click its small white box, then use the corresponding drop-down menu to set a time for the reminder to be sent. For more Event Reminder Basics, click here.

Note: Text message is the default method of communication for event reminders. However, if an attendee does not have a mobile phone number on file they will receive an email reminder.

h)Add Attendees: The ‘Add Attendees’ section is located on the right side of the pop-up window.

i)Search Assigned Members Only: This filter narrows search results to only members assigned to the trainer who created the event. Click the small white box to select this option.

j) Max #: The ‘Max #’ field enable trainers to enter a maximum number of attendance spots for an event to prevent overbooking. Setting this is essential for the AF app to work correctly.

k)Type Attendee Name: This is used to locate members the event owner wants included in the event. The corresponding profile(s) will appear in a drop-down menu. Select the desired member profile from the drop-down list. It is important to make sure that members have assigned trainers. 

-When new members are added, a trainer needs to be assigned to them.

- When a trainer leaves (quits, fired etc.), all members with purchased group and PT need to be reassigned.

l)Select Service: The ‘Select Service’ drop-down menu will populate with the service agreements that the attending members have purchased.

Note: The correct service agreement must be selected for ALL attendees as this dictates the commission rate the trainer receives for the event. 

m) Clicking 'save' will save the event on the trainer’s calendar. If any changes need to be made to the event after it has been created, click the event icon in the calendar and the ‘Edit Event’ pop-up window will automatically open.


Note: The green dollar sign on the event icon indicates the event has been successfully funded. A red dollar sign indicates the event has not been fully funded.

n)-After the event, the trainer should return to the event window and ensure all attendees' statuses have been updated accordingly. 'Canceled-Charge', 'No Show- Charge', and 'Completed' statuses will render the event and result in the trainer commission being paid. If the member validates the session using their KeyFob, the event will be automatically marked as 'Completed'.

 Click here to learn more about possible reasons a trainer was not paid for an event.


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