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Prospect and Member Statuses


Prospect and Member statuses are used for follow-ups, marketing campaigns and other targeted actions. 

Membership Follow-Up Statuses

Lead: A Prospect who originated either as a telephone inquiry, outreach, or other.

Web Lead: A Prospect who was acquired through their submission on the location's website, via a webform, or via Facebook.

Referral: A Prospect who was acquired via recommendations from pre-existing Prospects and/or Members (usually through the 'Add Referrals' options available throughout the site, or through a Referral form).

Lead - Remarketing: A prospect who requires a new follow-up workflow due to inactivity or a club closure. 

Paid Pass: A prospect that was created via the Paid Pass button on a club's guest waiver.

Student: A prospect that was created via the Student button on a club's guest waiver, submitted directly to Club OS' API with the origin of Student or added manually on the Add New Lead Page with an origin of Student.

Lost Join: A prospect that began an online membership purchase but did not complete their purchase.

Pay As You Go:  A prospect that was created via the Pay As You Go button on a club's guest waiver, submitted directly to Club OS' API with the origin of Pay As You Go or added manually on the Add New Lead Page with an origin of Pay As You Go. Can be used for prospects signing up for an Insurance membership and/or with registering prospects with gym access via a 3rd party.

Appt Booked: A Prospect who has scheduled a sales appointment with club staff.

Appt No Show: A Prospect who scheduled, but failed to attend, their sales appointment.

Active Guest: A Prospect who is currently within their guest pass period.

Missed Guest: A Prospect who arrived at their sales appointment (or had an unscheduled visit/walk-in) and completed the Digital Guest Waiver, but did not activate a guest pass or purchase a membership.

Expired Guest: A Prospect who activated a guest pass but is no longer within their guest pass period.

Member: Anyone who has purchased a club membership.

Member - Pending Cancel: A Member who has indicated that they plan to cancel their membership.

Member - Freeze: A Member who has put their membership on hold.

Member - Delinquent: A Member with a delinquent status in the club's billing system.

Member - Agreement Ending - A member nearing the end date of their membership agreement and does not have an automatic renewal. When they enter this status is based on a threshold of the number of days before the set end date. Click here to learn how about follow up settings

Inactive Member - Canceled: A Member who has canceled their membership.

Inactive Member - Expired: A Member who has not renewed their expired membership.

Inactive Member - Collections: A Member who was past due on their membership and their account has been sent to collections.

PT Follow-Up Statuses

Clubs choose their own terminology for Orientation events/PT sales appointments. This may be Orientation (ORT), FC (Fitness Consultation) FA (Fitness Assessment), or another term.

ORT Not Booked: A Member who has not yet scheduled an Orientation.

ORT Booked: A Member who has scheduled an Orientation (event is today or on a future date).

ORT Show: A Member who scheduled and attended an Orientation.

ORT No Show: A Member who scheduled but did not attend an Orientation (event is in the past).

PT Canceled: A Member who has canceled their PT agreement.

PT Active: A Member who has a current PT agreement with available sessions, and who doesn't meet the criteria for "PT Inactive" or "PT Opportunity" (below). note: A member may fall into this if their agreement is in the "Completed" status but does not meet the criteria for the for "PT Inactive" or "PT Opportunity"

PT Inactive: A Member who has available PT sessions, but hasn't used any of their sessions recently (within a specific number of days determined by the club).

PT Opportunity: A Member whose total number of available PT sessions have decreased below a specific threshold (determined by the club).

The criteria your club uses for PT Inactive or PT Opportunity is set in Club OS System Admin. If you need more information or want to change your settings, contact our support team.

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